Friday, June 14, 2024

Vengeance and Vandalism

My morning routine was interrupted by a notice from a friend that there had been vandalism - again - at the local sports complex and elementary school. Both are about 3 miles down the road from me.

By the time I arrived, the messages had been painted over by a county employee or a sheriff's deputy.

There was a lot of paint at the entrance to the elementary school, and then along the exit turn-off into the sports complex, and then up the lane that goes to the sports complex.

What at least some of it said before it was painted over was a threat:

F U Botetot board of directors. Livin large. Class wars. Fuckin 9 mil to murder you all.

On Wednesday night, the Board of Supervisors (not the board of directors) had held a public hearing on the upcoming budget for fiscal year 2024-2025. I did not go because I knew it would be contentious, and it was. I understand there were lots of accusations against the supervisors. They are frequently accused of misuse of fund, of being on the take, etc. I do not believe any of that for a second. If I thought it were true, I'd be among the first to yell "foul" in my capacity as a freelance writer/journalist and longtime news reporter. 

From what I have heard, at Wednesday night's meeting, people talked over one another, they chanted, clapped, and were generally rude. This has been going on at public meetings since at least 2020, so much so that it is a relief when I am watching the meetings and these people have stayed home for whatever reason. (Wednesday night's meeting was not live streamed; they moved it to the high school to accommodate the expected large crowd.)

The citizenry is out of control. They are attempting mob rule. I do not doubt that at least one of these people is actually capable of killing someone. And I know exactly where this comes from. It's coming down through the evangelical churches to my community, and it's the result of having a fascist for a president for 4 years and a Republican party that is no longer Republican, but instead an arm of fascism. These people want an authoritarian state. They need a daddy to lead them, I guess.

And just to be clear, vandalism that costs more than $1000 to repair (and this will, it will require new asphalt) is Class 6 felony in Virginia. If it doesn't cost more than $1000 to repair, it's a Class 1 misdemeanor. Destruction of property or vandalism may also be charged under other code sections as well.

Class 6 felonies are punishable by one to five years in prison. The misdemeanor is punishable with up to 12 months in jail. Both would require restitution for repair costs, too.

This disgusts me in ways I can't even describe. To think that there are people in my community who would act this uncivilized, this demonic, is simply vile. What's worse, these people think they are right and that they have the right to act this way.

They don't. I hope the sheriff catches them and hurls them in prison where they belong.


  1. I'm so sorry this has happened. It must feel personally stressful to live around all this toxicity!

  2. I can't imagine what is going to happen to our country. Everything is out of control.


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