Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday Thirteen

1. I took the recycling to the recycling dumpsters early this morning, before the heat came, and saw that the plastic dumpster, at least, was compromised. Someone had tossed heavy plastic shelving in the bins. We can only recycle items with "1" or "2" in the little recycling logo on the bottom of things. Heavy plastic shelving doesn't fall in that category.

2. Generally, I suspect most of our recycling actually ends up in the landfill. I am very conscientious about recycling paper and plastic (I don't use much glass and tend to keep what I do to reuse as storage containers). But it doesn't do me much good if others don't do the same. Still, I do it.

3.  My car is not a hybrid or electric vehicle, but I also don't drive it that much. I put less than 10,000 miles a year on it. The car is 10 years old and only has 63,000 miles on it. I like to think that my staying at home so much is helping the planet.

4. The refrigerator door was not working properly, and my husband and his friend fixed it this morning. The bushings in the door hinge had worn out and the door wasn't closing. Some days I would go in the kitchen to find the door standing open a few inches. It took him 45 minutes to fix it, but that was because one of the pieces got stuck.

5. The refrigerator is 11 years old. The stove is 37 years old. The crockpot is 41 years old. Many of my things are 41 years old and I still use them. 

6. My trashcan in the bathroom is a testament to the longevity of plastic. It is at least 37 years old, and may be 41 years old, as I can't remember when I bought it. It still has a sticker on it that says $2.99 from some place called Hechinger. That apparently was a store similar to Lowe's and it went bankrupt in 1999. I honestly don't remember it at all, although apparently, I shopped there. I don't think anyone would have given me a trash can for a gift.

7. My trash can would not be a candidate for the recycling bin, either, just like those big heavy plastic shelves that I saw in the recycling bin. But it isn't degenerating or degrading or rotting or anything like that and it is still a perfectly fine little trash can. So, if I had tossed this trash can in the trash 40 years ago, it would still be in the landfill. Maybe the elements would work on it a little, but this stuff has a long lifespan.

8. Speaking of lifespans, I recently read an article about a turtle that was 192 years old. I can't imagine living that long. Imagine how much trash that turtle has seen.

9. I also read a story about a woman who was eaten by a python in Indonesia. It swallowed her head first. She disappeared and when people went looking for her, they found the python with a full belly and cut it open. What a horrible way to die.

10. On Facebook, they have this section called "reels" that shows videos. For some reason, I get a lot of paranormal or spooky videos. Most of them appear to me to be fake, but sometimes I am not sure. I was seeing a lot of tractor trailer driver videos and then suddenly more paranormal stuff. I wonder what caused that algorithm to change?

11. The influx of AI stuff to the search engines is confusing and I don't trust any of it. The best thing about Microsoft's Copilot is it gives references. I go check the references before I believe what I'm reading. And as for AI pictures - they are everywhere. Usually I can tell, but not always. It's a bit unnerving.

12. All of this reminds me of the first time I received an email from a certain friend. I just happened to be checking my mail when her note arrived, and I read it, answered it, and turned it around fairly quickly. She was mad at me for doing that, saying there was no way I could have thought about what she'd written in the short amount of time it took. "It should take days to write me a response like that," she had said. Well, I type fast, and I think fast. I didn't need days to respond to an email. That was around 1992.

13. Hopefully email has saved reams and reams of paper and lots of trees. I have gone back to writing "real" paper letters to a few people, though. It is more intimate and feels more personal.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 864th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I suspect that you're right about a lot of recycling ending up in the landfill anyway. I know a lot of people don't recycle at all because of that, which I don't understand. The way I look at it is that if only 10% of recycling stays out of landfills, that's still a lot better than nothing.

  2. They don't make plastic to last these days. All my laundry baskets break, also we need a new stove every 5 or 10 years (three since we've lived here since 91) OMG about the woman being eaten by a snake. That freaks me out!

  3. I have a Kitchen Aid stand mixer that is over 50 years old. For many years I made all of our bread with it and for many years it was my mixer when I was a cake decorator, so it's had a very hard life and I've never had any problems with it, except having to replace the blade a couple of times.

  4. Many of my pots and pans are over 40 years old. That's no reflection on them -- I seldom cook. But still, I feel like I'll be leaving heirlooms behind to my niece. The problem we have here with recycling is getting people to remember that pizza boxes are NOT recyclable! We've sent reminders, but the information just doesn't seem to stick.

  5. I ignored those short Facebook videos for a long time. But I happened to see one or two of them that were about cute babies and watched. Now almost all I see are videos of children, and I watch a lot of them. Children make me smile

  6. As I was emptying my trash can the other day, I noticed that it still has a price sticker on the bottom. From Mervyn's. I think they went out of business in the '90s. Maybe? I do, however, remember the store and remember shopping there. (The modern equivalent would be Kohl's.)

    There was this show streaming I saw a while back called TikTok Boom. It talked about TikTok's algorithm and how spending any time perusing a clip would tell the algorithm to give the person more of that. Even just a slight pause. I'm sure reels has a similar algorithm. (Now that I'm looking it up, I see it originally aired on PBS and is now on Amazon Prime.)


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