Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Shooting the moon

Lo! the moon ascending!
Up from the East, the silvery round moon;
Beautiful over the house-tops, ghastly, phantom moon;
Immense and silent moon.

-- Walt Whitman (1819–1892)

I have an affinity for the moon. She has always drawn me and I have always loved looking at her (in some pagan religions, the moon is feminine, no "man in the moon" there).

But I have never been able to take a good picture of the moon. Usually I end up with a big white blotch, like this:

I was hoping with my new digital point and shoot, I would do better. Last night and this morning I tried, I really did. This is better because you can see the moon's oceans, to some degree:

But it is not that great. The picture below has more personality but the camera focused on the tree, not the moon, so the orb is blurred:

I have tried a number of settings on the new camera, trying to make it happen. I have never been that great a photographer, though. I do okay but I would never profess to make a living at it. It is a hobby that I am lucky enough to occasionally get paid for, if I can send in decent enough shots with an article.

This turned out the best, this big ol' moon, but the colors are not that deep and I am not that happy with it.

Somehow, the first day I got the camera, I was playing around and I pointed at the moon and got this shot. You can even see the craters. But I have no idea what setting I was using and I can't just make it happen.

All of these shots were freehand. Tonight, if the sky stays clear, I hope to try again with a tripod. Maybe between now and then, I can figure out how to shoot the moon.


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog this morning. I especially like this last moon photo.. good luck with your next moon shooting! :)

  2. Looks like the fuckers in Washington are going to try to colonize the moon now. They want to beat the Chinese to it/

  3. The moon is a lovely thing, isn't it. I've found that night photography is the hardest of all, because you're dealing with insanely different levels of light saturation. Have you tried stopping the camera WAY down and using longer exposure times? Of course you have. Never mind.

  4. The crescent one is a winner for sure!


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