Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday Miscellaneous

1. The deer is my animal totem.

2. I am disillusioned with Google as a search engine these days.

3. I think Jim Webb was rude to the president for no good reason. And I voted for him. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you have to be impolite. Save that stuff for when it really counts, you know?

4. I much prefer the warmer weather.

5. Being busy at my news reporting makes me very happy. I have been chasing a couple of stories for three days and I found myself remarkably content as I went about my work.


  1. lovely deer photo:)

  2. There are plenty of reasons to be rude to that bastard Bush. I think Jim Webb was rude to the country by not punching the Chimpy in his lying, smartass mouth,


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