Wednesday, February 26, 2025
I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham
Monday, February 24, 2025
Things I Did Last Week
- Washed 15 loads of laundry
- Put away 15 loads of laundry
- Made the bed 7 times
- Changed the bed linen and washed the bedspread and blanket, which takes a long time because the bedspread takes at least two turns in the dryer to dry.
- Fixed lunch for two people 7 times
- Fixed dinner for two people 7 times
- Emptied the dishwasher 7 times
- Filled the dishwasher 7 times
- Wrote 7 blog posts
- Read 110 pages of a book
- Listened to an audio book for 6 hours+
- Assisted my husband with the installation of a new mirror on his truck
- Spoke with friends and family on the telephone
- Looked up information online
- Read a lot about the federal government via doom scrolling on FB
- Took the tax records to the accountant
- Spoke with my banker on the telephone
- Walked on the treadmill for 25 minutes each day
- Talked to my chiropractor on the phone to reschedule an appointment due to snow/ice
- Visited the grocery store and purchased groceries
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday Stealing Archive Edition (2009)
1. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
A. I don't have one at the moment.
2. What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
A. A ham sandwich.
3. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A. Yes, I have had several body parts removed. It is not fun.
4. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A. I don't know, but it reminds me of an old joke: The Texan went in to the john, and he sat down on the toilet to pee. Some scrawny guy looked at him and said, "Why are you sitting down to do what most men do standing up?" The Texan said, "I just had me a hernia operation, and the doctor said not to lift anything heavy."
5. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A. Some days I wish I was, but I don't think so.
6. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A. I don't know. I had a friend who was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and I think the knowledge that she only had a certain time to live was detrimental to her in some ways. But it also allowed her to prepare.
7. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A. I don't want to change my name.
8. What’s your goal for the year?
A. To get through it, at the rate it's going.
9. Who is the last person you hugged?
A. My husband.
10. Where was the first place you went this morning?
A. To the bathroom.
11. Do you always answer your phone?
A. No, I do not always answer my phone.
12. It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
A. It's probably a spammer.
13. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
A. I would have blue eyes. My eyes are hazel. They look blue because I wear a lot of blue.
14. What’s on your wish list for your birthday?
A. I haven't given it any thought.
15. Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
A. Right now, the future is terrifying.
16. Do you have any saved texts?
A. Yes, I have saved texts.
17. Have you ever been in a car wreck?
A. I have been in several car wrecks.
18. Do you have an accent?
A. I have a very southern accent.
19. What was the last song to make you cry?
A. I don't recall.
20. What did you do last night?
A. Watched a little TV, read, and went to bed.
21. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
A. Yes.
I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Saturday 9: Flowers
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do you more often wear gold or silver?
2) She also sings the praises of buying herself flowers. Are there any cut flowers in your home right now?
3) She tells us she's going to paint her nails cherry red. Do you handle your own mani/pedi, do you go to a salon, or do you just let your nails go natural?
4) In 2019, Miley had vocal cord surgery, and her recovery required her to go weeks without uttering a sound. Would it be difficult for you to keep your lips zipped for a week?
5) Dolly Parton is Miley's godmother, and Miley singles Dolly out as the one who taught her "how to treat people well." Tell us about someone who was a positive influence on you.
6) She is a massive Elvis fan and swoons every time she watches Blue Hawaii because he professes his love for Maile, pronounced "Miley." What movie have you watched many times?
7) In 2023, when "Flowers" was released, actor Sir Michael Gambon died. Though he distinguished himself performing Shakespeare with the Royal National Theater, he is best known for playing Dumbledore in several Harry Potter movies. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?
8) 2023 was a busy year for England's Royal Family, with the crowning of King Charles III and the publication of Prince Harry's memoir, Spare. Do you have a favorite among the Windsors?
9) Random question: Do your siblings have children? If yes, are you close to them?
Hail to the Rich; Screw the Poor
Vote (Tally) | Result | Question: Description | Issue | Date |
87 (52-48) | Agreed to | On the Concurrent Resolution: S.Con.Res. 7, As Amended; An original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2025 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2026 through 2034. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
86 (49-51) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1207: Merkley Amdt. No. 1207; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to ending price gouging on prescription drugs. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
85 (53-47) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 922: Lee Amdt. No. 922; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to Congress continuing its work to rein in the administrative state by supporting legislation that prevents Federal agencies from finalizing major rules without congressional approval, strengthens the Article 1 law-making powers of Congress, cuts spending resulting from costly regulations, reduces inflation, and unleashes economic growth. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
84 (47-53) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 957: Lujan Amdt. No. 957; To strike reconciliation instructions requiring damaging cuts to programs critical to rural Americans and food assistance for American families. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
83 (47-52) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 659: Blumenthal Amdt. No. 659; To ensure full and uninterrupted funding for Department of Veterans Affairs health care and benefits provided by the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022 (Public Law 117-168), also known as the "PACT Act", preventing any cuts or delays. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
82 (49-51) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 971: Duckworth Amdt. No. 971; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to protecting access to fertility services, and eliminating barriers for families in need of high-quality, affordable fertility services by expanding nationwide coverage for in vitro fertilization. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
81 (48-52) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 699: Lujan Amdt. No. 699; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to supporting police, which may include initiatives that provide funding directly to law enforcement agencies to hire or rehire additional career law enforcement officers in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
80 (48-52) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 436: Shaheen Amdt. No. 436; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to preserving and extending vital tax credits enacted under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which make heath care accessible and affordable and that have led to the lowest uninsured rate in our Nation's history. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
79 (49-51) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 233: Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Van Hollen Amdt. No. 233; To create a point of order against legislation that would cut funding from the school lunch or school breakfast programs. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
78 (47-53) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 664: Slotkin Amdt. No. 664; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to preventing reductions in funding and staffing necessary to respond to, control, and prevent avian flu. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
77 (24-76) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 999: Paul Amdt No. 999; To require an adequate amount of deficit reduction as part of reconciliation. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
76 (47-53) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 299: Reed Amdt. No. 299; To ensure continued United States support for the Government of Ukraine to stand firm against aggression by the Government of Russia in Europe. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
75 (49-51) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 172: Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Reed Amdt. No. 172; To create a point of order against legislation that would reduce Medicare and Medicaid benefits for Americans. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
74 (48-52) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 276: Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Baldwin Amdt. No. 276; To create a point of order against legislation that would take away health care from seniors, including those receiving care in nursing homes, through cuts to the Medicaid program. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 21 |
73 (47-53) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 1156: Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Wyden Amdt. No. 1156; To prevent millions of Americans from being kicked off their health coverage, suffering needlessly, getting sicker, and dying sooner. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
72 (49-51) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 407: Ossoff Amdt. No. 407; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to protecting access to maternal and pediatric health care through Medicaid. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
71 (49-51) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 776: Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Schumer Amdt. No. 776; To prevent tax cuts for the wealthy if a single dollar of Medicaid funding is cut. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
70 (51-49) | Agreed to | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1029: Sullivan Amdt. No. 1029; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to protecting Medicare and Medicaid. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
69 (48-52) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 316: Schiff Amdt. No. 316; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to supporting Federal wildland firefighters and associated personnel. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
68 (48-52) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 540: Bennet Amdt. No. 540; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to reinstating the fired Federal employees at the Forest Service, National Park Service, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and Bureau of Land Management. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
67 (47-53) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 925: Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Hickenlooper Amdt. No. 925; To create a point of order against legislation that would raise energy costs for Americans, including higher monthly electricity bills, building material expenses, and transportation costs. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
66 (47-53) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 878: Murray Amdt. No. 878; To strike the reconciliation instructions and create a reserve fund to implement a bipartisan, multi-year agreement to provide up to $171,000,000,000 in discretionary funding for defense and up to $171,000,000,000 in discretionary funding for other programs, accounts, and activities to address border, veterans, farmers, food and nutrition, disaster relief, and other needs. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
65 (47-53) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 130: Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Warner Amdt. No. 130; To create a point of order against any reconciliation bill that would not decrease the cost of housing for American families. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
64 (48-52) | Rejected | On the Amendment S.Amdt. 473: Merkley Amdt. No. 473; To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to the impacts of hedge fund ownership of single-family homes and rent prices. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
63 (48-52) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 494: Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Klobuchar Amdt. No. 494; To stop tax cuts for the ultra-rich while families struggle to put food on the table. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
62 (47-52) | Rejected | On the Motion S.Amdt. 454: Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Schumer Amdt. No. 454; To prevent unwarranted tax cuts for the ultra-rich. | S.Con.Res. 7 | Feb 20 |
61 (51-49) | Confirmed | On the Nomination: Confirmation: Kashyap Patel, of Nevada, to be Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation | PN12-35 | Feb 20 |
Friday, February 21, 2025
What It Stands For
“MAGA stands for trying to erase trans people from existence. MAGA stands for resegregation and racism. MAGA stands for censorship and book bans. MAGA stands for firing air traffic controllers while planes are crashing. MAGA stands for firing the people overseeing our nuclear arsenal. MAGA stands for firing military veterans and those serving them at the VA, including canceling research on veteran suicide. MAGA stands for cutting funds to education, including for disabled children. MAGA is profoundly corrupt, unmistakably anti-democracy and most importantly, MAGA is explicitly a Nazi movement. You may have replaced a swastika with a red hat, but that is what it is.” - Chris Kluwe, former NFL dude
A Life Like This
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Thursday Thirteen #895
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
I Still Mask
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Sunday Stealing Archive Edition
1. Where is your significant other?
A. As I write this, my significant other is down at the shed working on a tractor.
2. What is your favorite thing?
A. My favorite thing is my computer.
3. Did you dream last night?
A. If I did, I do not remember it.
4. Do you have goals?
A. I do not have goals much anymore. They're more like ephemeral hopes.
5. Do you have any hobbies?
A. I read, write, play music, and play video games.
6. Where do you want to be in 6 years?
A. I expect I will be right where I am.
7. Where were you last night?
A. Last night, I was in bed asleep.
8. What are you not?
A. I am not intentionally mean or cruel. I'm sure I have been at various times, but I have never intended to be.
9. Name one of your wish list items.
A. I would like to redo my office. It needs new flooring, and I would like a different desk.
10. Do you have a pet?
A. I do not have a pet, unless one counts the cattle.
11. Are you missing someone?
A. I am missing several someones at the moment.
12. What kind of car do you drive?
A. I drive a Toyota Camry.
13. What is something you're not wearing?
A. I am not wearing a dress.
14. Do you love someone?
A. I love lots of people.
15. When was the last time you laughed?
A. I laughed earlier today.
16. When was the last time you cried?
A. A few weeks ago I cried because I was so very tired of feeling ill.
17. What is your favorite past time?
A. Reading.
18. Are you a hater or a lover?
A. I am a lover, I hope.
19. Do you have any vices?
A. I swear a lot.
20. What is your favorite meme other than Sunday Stealing?
A. Saturday 9, of course.
I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.