Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Eve Snow

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Freedom of Speech

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I am not a constitutional law professional, just a citizen who has been a writer and a journalist for decades.

You'd think I would be all for "freedom of speech," and I am - with limitations.

I do not believe it is okay to say (or write) everything you think. This "right" was written into the law of the land in the United States at a time when people had morals and manners. We no longer have either, and the free-for-all that overlays all of the many cultures that make up the USA has made conversation an intangible and given way to ignorance and emotional sound bytes that overpower the language of reason. It's been a growing problem and one that the Internet has fostered.

We already have laws on the books that belie the "freedom of speech" rallying cry, anyway. Every government places limits on speech, even the US government.

For example, you can't slander someone without the risk of a lawsuit, for example. Slander means telling an untruth about someone that harms him or her. We have laws against defamation (false statements that harm an individual, corporation, religion, etc.) and legal action can be taken against those.

Companies are taking people to court over bad things written about them online. I've seen that happen here in my area.

Laws exist against hate speech, which is any use of words, gestures, or writings that incite violence. Our government also controls speech with obscenity and pornography laws, copyright and trademark, sedition (causing an insurrection), and other ways.
So there really is no "freedom of speech" as people proclaim it nowadays. The right to say what you want exists and generally one can say what one wishes without government indictment. You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater (although these days maybe we should change that to "you can't yell "shooter" in a crowded area.").

In yesterday's paper, I read an article about a free speech limits test going before the Supreme Court. A woman obtained a protective order against her estranged husband, and on his Facebook page, he wrote that she should fold up the order and put it in her pocket and hope it stopped a bullet.

The issue is whether this exercise of free speech constituted a "true threat" to the woman at which it was directed.

The problem for me is that Facebook is not private. Friends of friends can see what you wrote. So this message was essentially shouted out into the public square. If this guy had said this privately to his best friend, venting his frustration and getting it off his chest, that's one thing, though it still wouldn't be a very nice thing to say. But he said this essentially to the world.

We no longer live in a society where we have distinction between private and public. With the loss of manners and morals, mentioned above, and the annihilation of public/private lines, we have a total breakdown in the civic discourse. People feel they have the right to say whatever they want, regardless of how hurtful and coarse it may be. The high-mindedness of mankind has reached a pinnacle not seen before in history, and it will ultimately decay our civilization. Unbridled speech and actions can only lead to chaos. That is why we have laws, to keep chaos from taking over.

Let me be clear - if this man had written his words in a private yahoo group, I doubt it would be going before the Supreme Court. But he chose a public forum.

This issue will become more and more germane as technology continues its inevitable creeping into our lives. I do not believe in censuring printed books - books just sit there, and one must take an action to pick up the book, open it, and read it, to be offended. Those actions need not be taken and a book can sit in a corner forever, completely ignored. But in a public forum - say out in the shopping mall where you can't yell "fire" - one cannot dismiss the words. One can't unhear hate speech. The same goes for public outlets such as Facebook. The hundreds or thousands can't "unsee" whatever was written. It's there and then one must deal with it.

If I were this woman's friend and I saw her estranged husband post something like what is mentioned above, I would feel like I would have to warn her. To me, in the context of the news article, that looks like a threat. And then it's possible the threat would revert to me. It becomes a scary place to be.

As our reading habits change and more and more of what we read and see is online, and available not by choice but instead forced upon us through social media outlets or in the guise of advertising, I think we would be wise to try to sort this out now, before it gets even more out of control.

Freedom of speech isn't just spouting off whatever comes to mind. It's wrapped up in many issues and concerns, and it doesn't stand alone.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Stealing: Thanksgiving Meme

From Sunday Stealing

Thanksgiving Meme

(Thanksgiving Day is November 27 in the USA)

1. Are you celebrating Thanksgiving at home or elsewhere this year? With whom will you spend Thanksgiving Day?

A. The crystal ball is unclear on the answer to this question at the moment. 

2. What do you have for breakfast on Thanksgiving?

A. Same thing I have on other days.
3. Do you go to a Thanksgiving parade or watch one on TV?

A. Sometimes I watch the one on TV, but not every year. 

4. Do you serve appetizers, lunch, or snacks during the day?

A. We usually eat a light lunch.
5. What do you wear on Thanksgiving?

A. Clothes. 

6. What's your Thanksgiving table like -- do you use special plates/silver/glasses, etc? Do you have a centerpiece? A color scheme? Candles?

A. Generally Thanksgiving is not at my house. 

7. Do you serve buffet-style or family-style? What do you have to drink?

A. A mix.

8. Once you're at the table, do you say grace or a toast or does everyone go around and say what they're thankful for?

A. Not usually.

9. Do you have dessert right after the main meal or later on?

A. Depends on what dessert is and what time we finish eating.

10. What do you do with your leftovers?
A. Eat them.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday 9: The Main Event

Saturday 9: The Main Event (1979)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

*Confession: When I was a teenager playing guitar in a band, this was one of the songs we performed(except it was the short version). We played a good bit of disco, as it was the rage at the time. The bass player made this song rock, if I remember correctly.*

1) This is the theme from a romantic comedy set against the backdrop of boxing. Sam admits she's not crazy about boxing. What about you? Do you enjoy boxing, martial arts or wrestling?

A. No. I do, however, use Tai Chi in my exercise routine. I find it very relaxing to perform the movements. It will help my migraines and lower my blood pressure in 20 minutes.

2) If you went to a dance club on a Saturday night in 1979 or 1980, you might well have danced to this. What are your plans for this Saturday night?

A. To read a book while I sit beside my husband as he flips through the TV channels.

3) Gilda Radner was one of the original Saturday Night Live performers and in 1979, she parlayed her TV popularity into her own one-woman show on Broadway. Who is your alltime favorite SNL cast member?

A. Jane, you ignorant slut. (Jane Curtin is my favorite.)

4) Sally Little and Nancy Lopez were at the top of the LPGA  in 1979. Do you golf?

A. No.

5) The movie The Main Event co-starred Ryan O'Neal. He is better known for Love Story, and saying the line, "Love means never having to say you're sorry." When did you last apologize?

A. I apologize for everything. I say, "I'm sorry" if I have to ask a salesperson a question. So who knows.

6) O'Neal got his big break on the nighttime soap opera, Peyton Place. He played Rodney Harrington, the handsome golden boy that all the girls dreamed of dating. Tell us about your big high school crush.

A. When I was in high school, we were all in love with David Cassidy as Keith Partridge.

7) In researching this week's Saturday 9, Sam discovered that The Main Event is a popular name for sports bars all across the country. Do you enjoy sitting at the bar or do you look for a booth or table?

A. Table.

8) The Mane Event was the salon Sam went to for years. She switched when it got too hard to get Saturday appointments. As a consumer, what's more important to you -- convenience or price?

A. Convenience.

9) More than 50 years after her first million-selling album, Streisand recently had a #1 hit with her current CD, Partners. What's the last song you bought/downloaded?

A. Song of the Lonely Mountain, by Neil Finn (from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey). Yes, I am a nerd.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday Thirteen

1. My Facebook page this morning is filled with photos of the big snow in Buffalo, NY, where they received 7 feet of snow. I feel for those folks. I hope they have good roofs on their houses.

2. My Facebook page is also full of political rhetoric, as it is every morning. I am seriously considering ridding myself of the political posts. It's a terrible way to set the tone for the day as there is seldom anything positive about politics. Maybe Facebook needs a timer setting so I could see the political posts later in the day.

3. Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.

4. There is a subplot in the Extended Editions of The Hobbit movies that isn't being shone on the theatrical releases. I won't relay what it is, but I am intrigued as to how it will be explained in the final extended edition, which probably won't be released until next fall. (The last movie, The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, is coming to a theater near you on December 17!)

5. The book The Book Thief is much better than the movie.

6. My bank switched hands over the weekend. My new bank's online access is a pain in the you-know-what. That is it say, it isn't working very well for me.

7. I can't believe another year is almost over. Time really does fly when you're an antique.

8. Yesterday a helicopter flew over, and as I have done since I was a small child, I stepped outside to watch it. I remember doing that at my grandmother's. We'd hear the tell-tale flap of the rotors and rush outside to be the first to spot it, and then watch it wing its way across the sky.

9. My grandmother had four young children in her charge when she was babysitting me - two of her own (I have an uncle who is a year younger than I am) and my brother and me. My grandmother had six children in all. My mother, who passed away in 2000, was the oldest. The other children are all still alive. My grandmother died in 2007.

10. My father's mother is still alive. She's 94 and lives in California.

11. When I think back on the Novembers I have lived through the one that stands out the most is the year I married. We celebrated 31 years this week. A long time to be married but it seems like only a week. A very full week, but only a week.

12. I don't *need* a new camera but I confess I have been looking at new ones. Something with a 50x zoom. I could zero in on a deer's nostril with a zoom like that.

13. Winter wouldn't be so bad if the wind wouldn't blow. Did we have this much wind when we were children? I don't recall it being so windy when I was young.

"Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind." - Bruce Lee

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here. I've been playing for a while and this is my 370th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Eminent Domain

This weekend, the area at Exit 150 known as "the truckstop" closed. It closed not of its own accord, but because the state took the property and forced the company to shut down.

The land was wanted so the state can reroute the interchange and make things work better there.

Many people, myself included, feel that simply closing the truckstop will help the interchange immensely. The state, however, has plans to spend $46.5 million on this intersection, creating a new road (and the county supervisors are drooling for development along this new route), and adding a round-about.

A film I saw recently about the interchange (sometimes being a journalist has its perks) indicates that by 2036, there will be issues with the round-about. It shows traffic having to stop and slow down in order to let others through. No one likes the round-about but the state is insisting on it. I think it will be a big snafu and ultimately something else to be fixed.

I have serious concerns about the state taking the truckstop. On the one hand, I have sat in those very long lines of traffic that back up on the interstate during rush hours. I know that the interchange, which intersects not just I-81 but also US 220 and US 11, is a headache for local drivers as well as travelers who simply want to get to Cracker Barrel and have dinner.

But the 7 acres the state has taken will be dormant, and the state isn't doing much mowing these days because of funding cutbacks. In 10 years, I look for this wasted acreage to be an overgrown tempest filled with stinky paradise trees, brush, and a homeless person or two. If the state doesn't keep it mowed and cleaned up, that is a likely scenario.

The county is losing revenue with the loss of the truck stop, also. It is not as much as people believe - I've seen some crazy figures tossed around on Facebook - but for a local government any sum can be the number that means closing a school or cutting back personnel or shutting down a library. Plus about 45 people lost jobs. On the one hand, 45 people in a county of 32,000 is not many, but on the other, the county is handing out dollars hand over fist to companies to locate in Greenfield who offer a similar small number of employment options.

I don't know how much other revenue will be lost during construction. This is a three-year project and I daresay travelers will venture on to other exits for meals and overnight stays. I would, if I knew the construction was going on. Sometimes you don't know until you're right on top of it and no one mentions it when you make reservations, though.

The interchange does need to be improved. But I don't know that the state is making the right moves, and I disagree with shutting down a business like it did, especially when it did not move the business but instead offered a financial pay-out. The truckstop provided a necessary service for truckers, who by federal law are required to have certain rest times. They also need to fuel up and eat.

So I am mixed on this decision. It is done now, and of course there is nothing I could have done about it anyway. But I do wonder about the thought processes of those who are in control.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Hell Week Begins

Today marks the beginning of an entire week of doctor appointments.

It starts this morning with a visit to the dentist to have a tooth fixed. It's one of those iffy deals that hopefully will be just an old filling removed and a new one replaced, but could end up in a root canal - or even an extraction - because of a crack in the tooth. It depends on how deep the crack runs, I'm told, though the x-rays look good.

I am not looking forward to this at all.

The remainder of the week is filled with physical therapy visits, a chiropractic visit, and a regular doctor visit. I also had a mammogram scheduled in there but decided that was more than I could handle and postponed that until after Thanksgiving.

So wish me well as I begin this round of health care visits. Mostly I am worried about the dental visit today; I think if that goes well then everything else will be a breeze. While I generally do well with regular dental cleanings, the fact that the upcoming procedure is not clear-cut has me concerned since I am not sure what to expect.

Getting old kind of sucks.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Stealing: Taking Stock

From Sunday Stealing

Taking Stock Meme

Stolen from: The Blake Collection

Making: a blog post.

Cooking: nothing at the moment. We had pork chops and biscuits and gravy for dinner last night.

Drinking: water

Reading: Factory Man, by Beth Macy (nonfiction book), The Book Thief, by Mark Zusak, and I'm listening to The All-Girls Filling Station by Fannie Flagg.

Wanting: to be rid of pain.

Looking: at ways to improve.

Wasting: time.

Wishing: for better understanding from the people who are supposed to be on my side, but really aren't.

Enjoying: the new extended version release of The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug.

Waiting: on the next and final installment of The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, scheduled for showing in a theater near you on December 17.

Liking: that my husband realizes I am not feeling well and doesn't care if I don't dust or vacuum.

Wondering: how I grew old.

Loving: my husband.

Listening: to clocks ticking.

Needing: a hug.

Smelling: those biscuits from last night.

Wearing: sweatpants and my ragged "blue thing" cover and a T-shirt.

Following: The Newsroom and The Big Bang Theory.

Noticing: how odd I seem sometimes.

Knowing: that I probably really am odd sometimes.

Thinking: that these are some weird sort of questions.

Feeling: tired.

Bookmarking: nothing much.

Opening: my heart.

Giggling: about the long tale I've been weaving with my physical therapist during our twice-weekly sessions.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Saturday 9: All About That Bass

Saturday 9: All About that Bass (2014)
(A special request from Smellyann)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
(I'd never heard this song and I enjoyed this!)

1) This song is body positive. In that spirit: What physical feature would you never change, no matter what?

A. My eyes. Gateway to the soul and all of that. Plus they are hazel and thus they change color with my clothes. I like the chameleon aspect of them.

2) The lyrics mention how often the media uses Photoshop to present a more ideal female form. Is Photoshop on your computer? If so, do you know how to use it?

A. I have Photoshop Elements on my computer. I don't really know how to use it. Mostly I use Google's Picasso to tweak photos, or Pic Monkey. I am not very good at tweaking, however, so try to make the shots count when I take them.

3) She also sings about Mattel's Barbie doll. According to Toys R Us, this year's best-selling doll is not Barbie but Disney's Elsa. Have you seen Frozen?

A. I have not.

4) In the video, Meghan dances merrily around her twin bed with its pink head/footboard. Describe your bed to us.

A. My bed is a four-poster queen-sized cherry bed, made by Virginia House in the late 1980s when they were still making decent furniture here in the USA. It was constructed less than 100 miles from where I live. In fact, our area was once the furniture capital of the south, and my friend and fellow Hollins University alumnae Beth Macy has written a book about this very thing: how the south became the furniture capital and then lost the title to foreign competition. The book is called Factory Man and I'm currently reading it.

5) Ms. Trainor began writing songs when she was 11. Would you find it easier to write lyrics or music?

A. I have done both, actually. I tend to do them in tandem. 

6) Meghan recently performed "All About that Bass" on the CMAs with country star Miranda Lambert. Who is your favorite country singer?

A. I don't really have one. I'm a pop music or Adult Top 40 kinda girl.

7) In September, Meghan had to cancel several concerts because of throat trouble. Are you battling a cold, cough or sore throat this morning?

A. I always have post nasal drip. It's a constant. I'm allergic to everything.

8) Meghan was born in Nantucket, MA. "Nantucket" is an Algonquian name that means, "faraway island." How did your town get its name/what does it mean?

A. My county is called Botetourt, and it's named after Lord Botetourt, aka Norborne Berkley, who was a governor of Virginia prior to the American Revolution. The House of Burgess formed the county in 1770 right after Berkley died. The county was huge - it went all the way to the Mississippi and took in part of Wisconsin. Our courthouse has thousands of historical documents, some complete with signatures of famous people like Jefferson and Washington, stored inside a solid fire proof vault that is as big as a house. Lots of people can trace their heritage to Botetourt County. We are famously known as The Seedbed of the Republic, which is also the title of one of the most extensive and frequently referred to local history books.

9) According to the National Weather Service, between rain and snow, winter brings Nantucket the most precipitation it sees all year. How is the weather where you are today?

A. Damn cold.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Albino or Piebald Deer

I snagged these shots of a grey-white deer around 11:30 a.m. this morning as it passed through the field. The camera kept wanting to fog over from the cold so I had a difficult time getting a clear photo.

That last shot really shows how grey-white the deer is.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday Thirteen

Next week I celebrate 31 years of marriage to the same guy. This may not make me an expert on marriage but I think it does qualify for a little advice-giving when it comes to keeping a partner happy. So here, in no particular order, are 13 ways to please (and keep) your mate.

Us as old people

1. Listen. It is important to hear what your significant other is saying. Sometimes a person simply wants to be heard, to spout off, to get things off of his/her chest. They don't need advice.

2. Give advice if asked, and don't be offended if they don't heed it. Remember, you and your partner are separate individuals functioning as a unit, but the individuality still exists.

3. Respect the other person. Don't make fun of his/her ideas, thoughts, efforts, whatever.

4. Compliment your significant other. It is quite easy to tear one another down, but building up is better. Tell him/her they look nice occasionally, that you like a haircut, that you are pleased with something they did.

5. Keep complaints to a minimum (try not to nag). Keep the annoyances to yourself. I know it can be frustrating to have to keep picking up socks or cleaning the sink or whatever your pet peeve is, and it is okay to mention it every now and then in hopes the other will understand that this is important to you. But if he/she doesn't get the message, don't take it to heart.

6. Be interested in what your partner does. Ask about his/her day. As questions about what he/she is involved in, ask him to explain why he made a certain decision or how it impacted the project or whatever.

7. Touch one another. I really think Americans are a touch-starved lot, we've all got that Biblical Puritan Ethic thing going on that means you can't kiss or express physical affection and it appears to be deeply ingrained in our society. My husband and I hold hands while we watch TV, we hug every day, we kiss one another on top of the head. Give your loved one a foot massage, or a hand massage, or a shoulder massage.

8. Be individuals. You don't have to like the same things. If he doesn't like minty fresh toothpaste, then have two tubes of toothpaste and give him what he likes.

9. Don't have extended periods where you're angry with one another. Being married to a man who is involved in three different dangerous occupations (firefighter, farming, and construction), I learned a long time ago not to let things linger. I don't want something to happen and know that our last conversation was an argument over something insignificant. We have been known to be late for work or appointments in order to settle a difference before heading out. It really is that important.

10. Be friends. I think it is very important that you be friends with the person you live with and are in love with. Apparently you can be in love with someone and not be friends with them, but I really don't see how that could work out in the long run. Sometimes love waxes and wanes, but if you are friends then you can work through it.

11. Mind your manners. With family, it is easy to slip into a mode where you don't say please and thank you. But I think it is even more important to say these to people you love and care about. Why wouldn't you? Acknowledgement in a kind way is always good.

12. Choose your fights. It is important to know what is worth fighting over. You can fight about every little thing if you want to, but all that does is erode the relationship. Pick your battles and leave the arguing to the things that really matter. If something doesn't make any difference five years from now, it probably isn't worth the words.

13. Discuss money and financial matters and settle on something you can both live with, and stick to it. Early in our marriage, we agreed that any unnecessary purchase over $100 had to be discussed with the other. As time has passed, that number has grown a bit, but we still discuss major purchases of any kind with one another. 

What advice would you offer to keep a relationship going?

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here. I've been playing for a while and this is my 369th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

Fincastle Doin's

Last Thursday night, the Botetourt Historical Society hosted a book signing and art showing at the Botetourt Museum in Fincastle.

Authors Jean Robbins and Gail McMillan were on hand to sign their book, Dear Nannie . . . yours devotedly, Charlie. The book is a combination of history, recipes, and love story.

Artist Mark Woodie, whose detailed artworks of Botetourt County are coveted by many, was also on hand to sell his work.

I went to have my book signed. My mother-in-law had given it to me as a present last Christmas.

They had an impressive turn-out. You can order the book through the Botetourt Historical Society or go by the Museum and pick up a copy.

Authors Jean Robbins and Gail McMillan

Ed McCoy (editor of The Fincastle Herald)
and Pam Wiegandt

Loretta Caldwell and Weldon Martin

Artist Mark Woodie

Overview of the crowd.

Woodie talks to Pat Honts and George Syndor

Leslie Woodie, Mark's wife, and an
old friend

Sue Goodpasture, one of my old teachers

A shot of the punch bowl.

A board about the book.
It had been a long time since I'd been out. It was nice to see these familiar faces.

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Sunday Stealing: The Blue Meme

From Sunday Stealing

The Blue Meme

I wonder what happened to numbers 1 - 25?

26) Are you happy with the person you've become?

A. I would like to be healthier.

27) What's a sound you hate? What's a sound you love?

A. I hate the sound of screaming. I love the sound of my husband's voice when he says, "I love you."

28) What's your biggest "what if"?

A. WHAT IF. That's as large as the typesetting will go.

29) Do you believe in ghosts?

A. I think there are things that we do not understand and some people call them ghosts. Having seen a few apparitions myself, I tend to lean toward the idea that there are things going on in the world that we do not always clearly comprehend.

30) How about aliens?

A. How about them? Do you mean, do I believe in them? I might as well. They are one of those things you can't prove or disprove.

31) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?

A. Agreeing to marry my husband.

32) What's the worst place you have ever been to?

A. Virginia Beach in 1989, right after a series of riots. We already had reservations and the hotel assured us everything was fine and things were back to normal, but that was not the case.
33) Can insanity bring on more creativity?

A. I have no idea. The next time I am in a round room looking for a corner, I will try to figure out the answer to that question.

34) Most attractive actor of your opposite gender?

A. Orlando Bloom when he plays Legolas in Lord of the Rings.

35) To you, what is the meaning of life?

A. Striving to do your best in the service of your fellow human beings.

36) Define "Art".

A. Art is anything created by the hand of man, as viewed by the eye of the beholder.

37) Do you believe in luck?

A. Yes, and I have very little of it.

38) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?

A. Similar intellectual styles.

39) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?

A. Happy by Pharrell Williams. But any song that I really like can put a smile on my face.

40) Where were you yesterday?

A. At home watching the extended version The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey so that later today I can watch the extended version of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

41) What's the worst injury you've ever had?

A. The one I dealing with at the moment is pretty bad. It's a problem with my abdominal muscles as the result of a poorly performed gallbladder surgery that was preceded by numerous other surgeries 20 years ago. When your abdominals don't work, most things are quite difficult to do.

42) Do you have any obsessions right now?

A. I seem to be fairly addicted to playing the video game Skyrim at the moment.

43) What's up?

A. Um. The ceiling?

44) Ever had a rumor spread about you?

A. I'm sure I have.

45) Do you believe in real magic?

A. Is there such a thing as fake magic?

46) Do you ever hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?

A. I try not to but sometimes forgiveness can take a long time.

47) What's your favorite (non-pet) animal?

A. Deer.

48) What is your secret weapon to get people to like you?

A. Listening.

49) Where is your best friend?

A. One of them is out of town at the moment, the other is, I hope, at home recovering from a cold, and another is out with her mother doing her weekly Saturday shopping routine.

50) What do you think is Satan's last name?

A. I don't believe in Satan.

Saturday, November 08, 2014

Saturday 9: Brother, Can You Spare A Dime

Saturday 9: Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? (1932)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Bing Crosby wants a dime for food. Adjusted for inflation, 10¢ in 1932 is now worth $1.69. Can you think of anything you could buy at the grocery story with $1.69?

A. Maybe two candy bars. A box of Tic Tacs. A soda or a bottle of water. A box of spaghetti. A can of green beans. A small bag of marshmallows.

2) This song was originally released as a 78 rpm record. Have you ever seen a 78?

A. Actually I have. I have even heard them play.

3) In 1932, Jean Harlow was Hollywood's glamor queen. Who do you think sets the standard for glamor today?

A. Sandra Bullock? Angelina Jolie? I really don't know. I don't think we have anyone who compares with the stars of yesteryear.

4) One of 1932's best selling books was Agatha Christie's Peril at End House. She remains popular today. Are you familiar with her work?

A. I have read some of Christie's work, yes. But not enough to say that she is a favorite author.

5) This week's featured artist, Bing Crosby, worked as a caddy when he was 12 and continued to enjoy time on the golf course his entire life. What type of exercise do you do most often?

A. At the moment I do stuff prescribed by my physical therapist most often. But I also like Tai Chi when I can stand up. I also like walking on my treadmill while I watch TV, another activity for which standing up is necessary. Maybe by the end of the year . . .

6) Bing had twin sons, Dennis and Philip. Many people believe that the propensity for twins is hereditary. Are there twins in your family?

A. Not that I can think of. One of my uncles married a twin but I doubt that counts.

7) Bing's daughter, Mary Crosby, has her own place in TV history. Do you know why?

A. I have absolutely no clue. I do now that I hit the search engine, but that is cheating, and the honest answer is the first.

8) In the mid 1970s, Crosby and his family did commercials for Minute Maid. Do you have any orange juice in your refrigerator?

A. No. I am actually allergic to citrus, including orange juice. It makes my ears itch way deep inside. So none in the house.

9) Now for something completely random: Do you like beef jerky?

A. No.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Thursday Thirteen: Movies

Thirteen of my favorite movies -

1. Fellowship of the Ring (A Hobbit and his friends must destroy a ring)

2. The Two Towers (An evil wizard sends out his fighters against the Men of the West)

3. The Return of the King (The true king returns to the throne)

4. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (A Hobbit gets asked to escort a group of dwarves)

5. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (A big dragon breathes fire in the home of the dwarves)

(Okay, so I'm Tolkien nerd!)

6. Dirty Dancing (Young woman falls in love with sexy male dancer)

7. Under the Tuscan Sun (Older woman finds herself in Italy)

8. The Blind Side (Young homeless man finds hope and wealth with guidance of a foster family)

9. Secretariat (Horse lady raises up champion racer)

10. Walk the Line (Johnny Cash becomes a music legend)

11. Momma Mia! (A woman finds a lost love, set to the music of Abba)

12. Forrest Gump (Young man grows up, has an interesting life, finally gets the girl, and she dies)

13. Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi (Rebels attempt to keep bad guy from destroying the galaxy)

The links all go to the trailers for the movies.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here. I've been playing for a while and this is my 368th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

My Relationship With Money

I woke up this morning, as I have for about a year now, to the radio combined with a beeping sound. It is supposed to be an alarm with one or the other, but it's a cheap radio and so I get both. It drives me crazy.

It replaced one I had had for nearly 20 years; it finally stopped holding the radio station and I was waking up to static noise.

This made the think about money and our relationship to dollars and stuff. We buy a $12 clock and expect it to work perfectly and last 15 years, and consider it a waste of money if it doesn't.

Yet we think nothing of buying $12 for a spaghetti dinner at the local restaurant. Or spending money on consumables like chewing gum, cigarettes (chewing tobacco in my husband's case) or $100 a month to watch the trash that comes across the TV screen these days.

We don't want to spend $4.00 for a bag of apples, but we'll spend $1.00 on a single candy bar. We expect appliances that we pay $500 for to last more than 5 years.

When you break it down, though, you're paying $100 a year for the $500 appliance. I spent about $1 a month on the cheap alarm clock (which I am getting ready to give to Goodwill and replace, as soon as I can find something suitable).

I think as a society, our relationship with money and stuff is weird.

I found this quiz about how you feel about money to be interesting as far the questions; the answer on the scoring left a little to be desired as it didn't really tell me anything. And I'm not sure it addressed the thing I am trying to puzzle out, which is the VALUE we place on things.

We over-value football players and under-value firefighters. We over-value entertainment and under-value education. We over-value the military and under-value the welfare of the nation's population. Or least in my mind we do. Obviously others do not agree.

We stand in judgment of someone on food stamps who buys a Mars bar, but honestly, doesn't everyone deserve a candy bar every now and then, if they want it? And who am I to stand in judgment of how you or you or you spend what you have, however you've received it?

I know I make bad decisions sometimes with money. That alarm clock was obviously a lousy purchase. Our house is full of stuff that needs to be removed - clutter that I can't quite part with because it might be worth $5, and yet - I want it out of here. I can name a dozen things that are stuffed in a closet that I need to remove (an original X-Box, an older model lap top, and about 100 books just to name three). I need to have a yard sale but I live in a rural area and I'm not able to pack the stuff up and haul it elsewhere.

This article says this: "I’ve noticed that people in general (and Americans in particular) have a complex love-hate relationship with wealth. People want to be rich — but they’re suspicious of those who already are."

I agree with this statement. Do you?

I'm still working on this idea, these thoughts of what we value. We value relationships but perhaps don't really work on them. We value our cellphones more than our mothers, it seems. Do we value stuff more than people?

When money is the primary value, it is a value misplaced. Of that much I am certain. But it is rather like being a food addict - you have to eat. In this society, you have to have money.

Is it any wonder we have a nation of hoarders?

This website, The Story of Stuff project, wants us all to have a better relationship with stuff. "We have a problem with Stuff. We use too much, too much of it is toxic and we don’t share it very well. But that’s not the way things have to be. Together, we can build a society based on better not more, sharing not selfishness, community not division."

This is an idea I can get behind.

My goal is to develop a healthier relationship toward money and stuff. Money and stuff are both simply tools: things that make life better or harder, depending on how you use them.

I have never wanted more than "enough" - whatever that is. Enough to pay the bills, eat okay, and be comfortable. I've never aspired to great riches. Sure, I dream of winning the lottery - I think in our society it's a conditioned idea. But generally when I think about the lottery, I say - and mean - that's I'd be okay with just one of the smaller five-figure prizes. But even that is a complicating the relationship.

Anyway, this is what I thought about this morning when I hopped out of bed. Yes, I know, my brain goes nonstop.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Technology of a Murder

Saturday night my husband, my mother-in-law, and James' aunt from Georgia went to Greenfield to see the murder mystery, Technology of a Murder.

The play was performed by HaeBo Productions. We have been to two others they have done there and enjoyed them both.

The crowd was a little sparse for this performance for some reason; maybe because it was Halloween weekend and there were lots of parties. But we had a good time. The group always gets the audience involved and that is fun.

The story involved cloning and unstable scientists.
Who also had beautiful wives who didn't want to be married to them.
The master scientist.
The conscientious objector who doesn't want cloning.
The fellow was killed directly behind where I was I was sitting, and I didn't even see it happen!
One of the young actors got my mother-in-law in the act.
There was a good deal of gun pointing.
Egads, a clone!
Ooops. Another dead body.
The sheriff wants everybody to stand down.
Heavens, another clone!
More gun pointing! Who did it? I won't tell. The show was very fast paced and it was difficult to pick out who was doing what at times. I guessed wrong as I generally do.
This makes me think I might not be cut out to write mysteries.