Showing posts with label Trees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trees. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2019

Oops! The Tree Fell Down

My blue spruces, which I planted 30 years ago, have been dying a slow and terrible death for several years now, the result of the non-existent climate change that has brought us drought and then too much water.

The trees developed an incurable fungus. They were beautiful trees but now they are scraggly and ugly. I have been asking my husband to take them down before they fall down.

Last night in high winds, one of them fell.

Poor little blue spruce.

This is its next door neighbor, still standing, but leaning now.

I watched that ground rise up and fall with each gust of wind. I kept waiting for the tree to topple, but it remained upright.

A little further down, this tree fell over and took out the fence.

Lots of trees toppled in this latest high wind.
This is one of the blue spruces before the fungus really took hold. They
were lovely.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Bland Autumn

This is one of the worst years for Autumn colors that I can recall. I don't know where the color went, but it wasn't on the trees.

I caught this as the sun was setting after a rain; it really did turn everything pink. This photo is untouched.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tree Fairies

Yesterday after the mist had risen, and the sun was brightening up the backyard, I noticed a shimmering sight in the trees.

At first I thought there was ice on the trees, but it was far too warm for that (I think we hit 75 degrees yesterday!).

Then I decided it must be the sun reflecting on water droplets. 

That would be the scientific explanation, anyway.

I used my new Nikon camera, which has a great zoom lens, and tried to look closely. But all I could see were dancing lights.

After looking at the photos, I think I was visited by tree fairies. I wonder if they will bring me luck.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Autumn Color

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Dogwood Blooms

This year one of my two dogwoods has bloomed out beautifully, despite the weird weather. The other one did not fare as well but this one has been exceptional.


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A Big Wind Came Through

So today this happened:

The cedar tree split in two.

Half of it fell across the driveway. Good thing I wasn't going anywhere.

Poor tree.

Removal begins. Good thing we have a backhoe.

More work.

There it goes.

He's pulling it away, off to a brush pile.

Monday, October 31, 2016

The Year Without An Autumn

The gap on 10/29/2016. I enhanced the photo to get a little color.

Unit 2, as my neighbor calls this field, with the Blue Ridge Mountains in the background.

A closer look at the mountains. The house you can see belongs to my father. Computer enhanced.

Had to use a little computer magic to make it look like there was any color at all on those mountains.

My father's house, pulled in with a long lens and messed with in the computer. His house is directly opposite my house. I took this picture standing on the highest point of the hay field that is in between us.

Turning around, you see my driveway. But my house is hidden behind the trees.

Look! Some orange.

We are still not having an Autumn, and here it is Halloween. Seems to me that by now the colors should be brilliant and starting to fade, but I think this year the leaves are simply going to fall from the trees. We are having unseasonably warm weather and I think the plants are confused. I never realized how much I looked forward to the colors of Fall until now, when they are not there.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Autumn on the Way

Friday, July 08, 2016

A Fungus Among Us

For two years, we have had no sign a fungus around our oak tree in the back yard. The fungus, which looks like a very large mushroom of some sort, first turned up in 2014.

We didn't see it last year, but recent wet weather has apparently caused the fungi to return.

One of the fungi at my foot (size 7).

I think this is called Armillaria root fungus of some kind, though a friend thinks it might be this kind of fungus:

It really doesn't matter which it is; both mean the tree is stressed. There does not seem to be a cure for either kind of fungus, that I can find.

Fungi on the other side of the oak tree.

Supposedly, it can take years for the fungus to kill a tree, but sometimes it happens quickly.

I sure would hate to lose this old oak.