Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thursday Thirteen

1. Yesterday, I had a great hair day. I also didn't have anywhere to go and barely saw my husband. What a waste of a good hair day.

2. We had ice overnight on top of the snow and ice that was already here. The sun is out now. I am glad to see the sunshine.

3. I had two asthma attacks yesterday. One was fairly severe and scared both me and my husband. I didn't grab my inhaler fast enough and it went on too long. The second one, I stopped quickly by grabbing the inhaler as soon as I felt that clutch in my throat and a cough that indicates a problem. I think they came from the air; it was heavy with the cold and the water coming with the current weather system.

4. Lesson learned, though. Next time, use the inhaler sooner. I dislike using them; even today I am tasting albuterol as I breathe in out - but better than not being able to breathe at all.

5. I am almost finished with the 2024 taxes, which will then go to an accountant. It is a relief to no longer have it uppermost in my mind.

6. Maybe it's time to have a little fun with something. Real fun. Like roller coaster ride fun. Only I don't ride roller coasters anymore. The last time we went on some of those rides, they beat us both to death and nearly dislocated my husband's arm. We don't do amusement parks anymore.

7. We do like historical parks and museums, though. That's more educational than fun, although seeing how people lived 200 years ago is interesting to us. My husband enjoys the farm machinery displays and most old things have to do with agriculture, because we used to be an agrarian society.

8. Now we are a technological society, but we still have to eat. It is unfortunate that many people seem to think food is grown in the warehouse of the grocery store and have no clue where their food actually comes from. 

9. I ran across an episode of MASH on TV, or rather, my husband did. I told him to add it to the DVR because I can't find it otherwise. Sometimes you just want to watch something that you know is good and pure. MASH fits that description.

10. One time I tried to tape every episode of The Partridge Family when it was running on AXIOS, I think it was, but after I watched a couple of episodes, I stopped the recordings and deleted the rest. The show doesn't hold up well. Or maybe I just outgrew David Cassidy. He's still a cutie on the show, but I don't need a cutie. I have my own fellow now.

11. My voice has mostly returned, finally, and I think I'm about over whatever I had for most of January and up until this week. I am feeling better except kind of sad about the crazy things happening in the world.

12. It is hard to complain if you aren't willing to do anything about it, and I don't know what I can do about pretty much anything sometimes. Even figuring dinner can be a pain.

13. So that's a list of 13 things. Not great, but something. Thanks everybody for reading.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 894th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. #1. I spend the majority of my working days alone, but a good hair day is never wasted. When I have one, I feel like a badass!
    #3. Asthma attacks can be terrifying. I had severe childhood asthma, and although it's been years, I still remember the fear of them.
    #9. M*A*S*H! One of my all-time favorites. My husband and I bought the boxed set and watch it frequently.

  2. Yeah, amusement parks aren't so fun anymore. I agree. It's actually more fun to learn things. And see things. There's something about having something on the DVR. It's just easier than looking through streaming offerings.

  3. I have seen every episode of M*A*S*H--one of my all-time favorite shows! I'm glad you're getting your voice back and finally starting to feel better. The illnesses that are going around school are lingering far too long.

  4. I had such a crush on David Cassidy, not so once I saw him on talks shows in real life. I can't imagine having asthma. I like art museums.


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