Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) Are you enjoying winter? Or do you daydream about summer?
A. I am not enjoying winter. I have been sick most of January and I am not a fan of the cold weather. I don't like the extreme heat of summer, either, but I can deal with that better than these cold, brittle windy days.
2) In this week's song, trees sway in the breeze. Is it windy where you are today?
A. It is fairly calm as I write this.
3) There's rain outside their window. Have you more recently seen rain or snow?
A. We have had snow. We are still in a drought even if the government won't acknowledge it.
4) This week's artists are the duo Chad and Jeremy. As a teen, Chad Stuart was very versatile in the arts. While he enjoyed drawing, he showed real promise in music and won a scholarship to London's Central School of Speech and Drama. When you were a teenager, what were your best classes?
A. English, history, civics/government. I made As in all of my classes except Phys ed, including Algebra and Trig, wherein I loved my teacher, but I did not consider them my best classes.
5) Between 1965 and 1966, Chad and Jeremy played British pop stars on a variety of American TV shows, including The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Patty Duke Show, and Batman. Which of those series do you remember?
A. Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Batman!
6) While those TV appearances were good for the duo's record sales, they sowed the seeds of dissent between the friends. Jeremy Clyde realized he enjoyed acting far more than music and began threatening to leave the act. Chad finally got tired of dissuading him. Between Jeremy's dramatic aspirations and contract disputes, they broke up. Later they both admitted they regretted the split, but as Chad said, "we were just kids." Is there an old friend you've drifted away from but miss?
A. There are many people I no longer know whom I miss sometimes, but they don't seem to miss me, so I try not to think about them. The people who are important in my life are here.
7) In 1964, when "A Summer Song" was popular, the #1 movie in the country was Mary Poppins. Have you seen it?
A. I have seen Mary Poppins.
8) One of the biggest news stories of 1964 was Elizabeth Taylor's wedding to Richard Burton. The bride wore yellow, with yellow and white flowers in her hair. The groom wore a dark suit, red tie and yellow boutonniere. What did you wear last time you got dressed up?
A. The last time I dressed up I wore blue pants and a nice top. That's about as dressed up as I get.
9) Random question: When you're in the backseat, do you wear a seatbelt?
A. I do not sit in the backseat because I get carsick, but if I did, I would wear a seatbelt.
I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.
My aunt and her hubby live in VA and they are telling me they have more snow than we do here in NY! and their temps are just as cold as us northeast folks! this current gov isnt gonna acknowledge the c hanges in our climate so....just pray!! all we can do.
ReplyDelete. My hubby is totally into Batman. hahah
enjoyed your post!
My sister in Blacksburg had colder temperatures than we did in Maine last weekend. But then we had a blast of sub-zero arctic air and it's more winter like. Hasn't January dragged on long enough? I hope you are well soon!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you've been so sick this month. That was me last year. I woke up with Covid on New Year's Day and no sooner went back to work when I came down with an unknown virus and the cough that would not die. I didn't feel like myself until March! I hope the road to recovery isn't as long for you.
ReplyDeleteI’m sorry you haven’t been well. I’m not a fan of winter either,
ReplyDeleteNa na... is all I remember from Batman. I hate politics, especially now!
ReplyDeleteI don’t dress up often anymore, either. It’s because the chiropractor has emphasized how important the right shoes are to my back and knees, and the right shoes look wrong with dressier clothes. I can get away with jeans and a sweater at the card shop and I really don’t see myself ever having another job where I have to go business casual anymore. I’m considering packing those clothes up for the local resale shop.
ReplyDeleteI don’t dress up often anymore, either. It’s because the chiropractor has emphasized how important the right shoes are to my back and knees, and the right shoes look wrong with dressier clothes. I can get away with jeans and a sweater at the card shop and I really don’t see myself ever having another job where I have to go business casual anymore. I’m considering packing those clothes up for the local resale shop.