Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Reveal yourself in 24 easy steps

I am not: an extrovert.

I hurt: in my lower back.

I love: my husband.

I hate: growing old.

I fear: a change of lifestyle.

I hope: that people become kinder.

I regret: that I did not choose a different career path.

I cry: over things that frustrate me.

I care: about my family, friends, and community.

I always: take my medicine.

I long: to be heard.

I listen: to everyone who speaks to me, or try to, anyway.

I hide: very little, actually.

I write: very well, thank you.

I miss: something that I have never been able to express in words because I am not sure what it is.

I search: for a project that gives my life meaning.

I learn: in order to continue to grow as a person.

I feel: unheard.

I know: that I am often right, but no one cares.

I want: to be comforted.

I worry: that things will be bad in a few months.

I wish: I had made better health choices when I was younger.

I have: had a good life and career, if I stop to acknowledge it.

I give: money to various charities that I support.

I wait: for the remains of the day.

I need: to know that I am cared for.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. BEING HEARD! I TOTALLY relate! FWIW, I care that you were right; I know THAT feeling (see: being heard). My lower back hurts too, but my knees are worse!

  2. What would you have been if you had chosen a different career path? I get so upset/irritated/annoyed when I don't feel heard!!

  3. I enjoyed your answers. I believe things are going to get better if a certain woman makes it in office. Please GOD!! It's funny but I just did a sunday stealin' and the page gave me different questions!!


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