Tuesday, July 09, 2024

We Didn't Have No Internet

Friday night, the storm came through. It arrived quickly, so fast I really didn't have time to think about unplugging electronic doohickeys before the first bolts hit.

Zap! Pow!

My phone pings of "lightning has been detected near you" went nuts.

And then one bolt went seemingly straight through the house, something popped, and thunder crashed, sounding like a jet falling on top of the roof.

Just like that, we lost the telephone (I still have a landline) and the Internet.

The Internet never went completely out, though the phones did. Instead, it sent through little bits of itself, reminding me terribly of those long-ago days of dial-up, when information trickled in. Of course, programs weren't so big in dial-up days, not like the software and words that come through today. Today, every programmer assumes that we all have supercomputers running Windows 11, with high-speed Internet access.

I still have DSL. It takes me 2 hours to upload a 3-minute video. But it's better than dial-up.

My weekend suddenly looked different. I wasn't going to be able to spend time looking at Facebook, read the local paper online, or play video games. Some of that I could do on my phone, but my phone kept picking up the trickle of Internet data, so it was wildly confused as to when to use the Internet or when to use the very low cellular data I have. At one point, I walked far away from the house until the phone went to straight cellular data to get something to work, but it was too hot to stay out there long.

So what did I do? I managed to get Saturday 9 and Sunday Stealing up, albeit slowly. I worked on the bookkeeping for the various things we keep up with - the farm, my husband's backhoe business - that sort of thing. I use an old program for that, one that doesn't connect to the Internet.

I wrote postcards to voters.

I worked up a few blog posts that I'd had on my mind. I didn't need the Internet to use Notepad or MS Word for that. Maybe I will post them. Maybe I won't.

The fact that the Internet wasn't completely down made for a false sense of still being attached, because I wasn't. Sometimes I could get something to come up, but mostly not. I couldn't pay bills or check my email, except sometimes I could so I did. 

I never did get around to reading the Sunday Stealing blogs of other meme participants, because they took too long to load. I need to go back and visit those.

My phone had a workout as it played music (no Alexa), and I listened to an audiobook. 

Lastly, I made zucchini bread. It was too hot to be baking, really, but we have the squash now, and of course it comes in all at once. So I made bread, and left a loaf out to eat, and froze the rest.

That is what you do when the Internet dies.

I strongly suspect you live a better life. I have thought for a long time we might all be better off if the Internet were to die. I still think there is truth in that.


  1. Every time our internet goes down, I get a little anxiety...we use it too much. Our streaming for tv all uses internet too. We can get the regular channels with an antenna, but still. I probably would have read an audiobook too. I hope everything is back to normal now. We have had lightning hit our computers/tv/phones before too. UGH. Sometimes when I am working, I will turn my phone off and it is so peaceful. I have even left it at work before. People just assume you are at their beckon call and message at all hours. You are right, I think we would be better off too...but I would miss you. :) Loved your answers!
    Have a nice week. ♥


  2. It is amazing how much you can do without electricity. When we have heatwaves and fires, we can lose power. We have several battery-operated lights. I read, Bible journal and craft. I haven't made zucchini bread if ages. I bet it was good! I did buy some today and I will cook it with tomato today.

  3. We have had similar problems at our house during bad weather. It really makes you refocus your world!

  4. I realize how reliant I am on the internet--for streaming everything (music, videos, television) and chatting with my sisters and friends. I feel anxious and cut off when I don't have reliable internet.


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