Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. What are your plans for August?

A. I have a doctor's appointment in the middle of the month.

2. What are your mid-year resolutions or goals?

A. I don't have any.

3. Are you good at taking care of plants?

A. Yes, I take good care of plants, but aside from a Christmas cactus and a cactus that are out in the garage, I don't have any indoor plants. 

4. What makes you feel nourished?

A. Besides food? A good hug.

5. Which animals do you see most in your area?

A. Deer.

6. What books are on your summer reading list?

A. I have been binging on Robyn Carr's Thunder Point series of late.

7. What projects do you want to tackle this summer?

A. I need to clean my office again. For some reason it's where all the papers and notebooks gather. They must party like crazy at night when I am not in here.

8. Do you have weddings, graduations, summer celebrations?

A. I do not have any celebrations going on that I am aware of.

9. Which summer snacks are you excited to enjoy again?

A. I enjoy watermelon in the summer.

10. How much time do you like to take for vacations?

A. We usually take 5 - 7 days when we take a vacation, but we do not plan to take a vacation this year.

11. Where are your favorite picnic locations?

A. I haven't been on a picnic in at least 20 years, if not longer.

12. Name something that would be out of character for you.

A. Going on a long holiday by myself would be out of character for me.

13. Which summer movies are you excited to see?

A. I haven't been interested in the summer movies so far.

14. What are your favorite free / cost effective ways to have fun?

A. We like to take drives or visit relatives.

15. Who do you trust most to house & pet sit?

A. We generally don't need that service, but I would trust my brother or my sister-in-law to do that if necessary. Or my husband's cousin.


  1. Oh, yeah. Cleaning. Ugh. How do those papers party so wildly?

  2. I've travelled on my own (with work) but never gone on holiday by myself. It is something I would consider if circumstances changed though because working away on my own has on occasion given me days off to explore. I would never have gone to Niagara Falls on my own otherwise. I loved it.




  3. I have a Doctor's appointment this coming August too. On the 8th. She's a nurse practitioner and she can't remember me every time I see her she thinks I am new... And she is only 50. My cardiologist that I saw on the 24th of July says that's bad but what can you do when insurance won't cover any other doctors but the health department ones? Anyway good luck at your appointment!!!!

  4. I've gone on vacations by myself when I was single in my 20s. it's great fun!! Or I would go with a good friend. Now I love vacationing with my husband and daughters.
    I don't ever go to the movies so i don't even have any idea what's playing in theaters this summer hahaha. I'm a Hulu and Netflix gal. It's WAY cheaper!! We pay almost $20 a person here in the capital region of NYS for a movie ticket. I'd rather spend it on a night at the classical concerts at SPAC.

    ENJOY the rest of the summer!

  5. Your comment about the notebooks partying overnight made me chuckle! I have traveled alone for work and I've been to a conference in another state by myself, but I don't think I've ever been on vacation by myself.


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