Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday 9: Lazy-Hazy Crazy Days

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Nat King Cole sings about enjoying "soda and pretzels and beer." Which of those three would we find in your kitchen right now?

A. My husband drinks Diet Dr. Pepper, so there are some of those in the refrigerator.

2) The lyrics mention a romantic movie. Which movie couple do you believe had onscreen chemistry?

A. Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman would get my vote for best onscreen chemistry.

3) He wishes "summer could always be here." How has your summer been so far?

A. My summer has been hot and painful. We've had record-breaking heat and are now in a drought, and I've been having back spasms for two weeks.

4) According to the song, a great warm weather meal includes sandwiches and weinies. Tell us about your perfect sandwich or, if you prefer, what you believe is the ideal way to dress a hot dog.

A. My perfect sandwich would be a ham, cheese, tomato, and mayonnaise sandwich. The only way I will eat a hot dog is with mustard, ketchup, and relish. I don't like them with chili or slaw or any of that stuff.

5) Nat was a big baseball fan. Growing up in Chicago he played sandlot games and listened to Cubs games on the radio. As an adult he was a season ticket holder at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. Do you enjoy playing/watching baseball or softball?

A. No. Sorry, Gal.

6) The lyrics of this week's song were written by Charlie Tobias, who wanted to create a sense of nostalgia for summers gone by. Share one of your special summer memories.

A. My grandparents had six children, and the youngest was a year younger than I and their next youngest was 4 years older than I. My brother was the youngest of the four of us. My grandfather would give us each two quarters to mow the yard, and we would split the work up and take turns mowing. Then we'd ride our bikes up to the Orange Market, which was about a block and a half away, and we'd take our quarters and buy a comic book, a candy bar, and a soda with it. My favorite soda was a grape NeHi and I always bought the comic books about Wonder Woman, Supergirl, the Fantastic Four, or the Black Widow because I wanted the strong women in those comics as role models. A quarter went a long way back then. We would make sure we each bought different comics so we could swap them around.

7) In 1963, one of the best-selling books was Happiness Is a Warm Puppy by Charles Schultz. The cover showed Lucy giving Snoopy a big hug. Name another character from the Peanuts comic strip.

A. Peppermint Patty is another character in Peanuts.

8) Also in 1963, men were wearing thin, solid-color ties. Later in the decade, ties would become wider, patterned and more colorful. Where do you turn to keep up with fashion trends?

A. I don't keep up with fashion trends.

9) Random question: Would you rather be a cowboy or a pirate?

A. Arggh! Shiver me timbers, it's a pirate life for me, matey! I'd be the fiercest female pirate to sail these seven seas, I tell ye, and I'd make the kings and queens shiver at the sound of my name. I'd take all of my prisoners to a private island and tell them to go off and do their own thing and create their own little world, with coconuts from them my only tithe. Then I'd track down the other pirates and force them at sword point to tell me where they'd buried all their treasure, why surely I would! If they didn't talk, I'd blindfold them and make them walk the plank, only they'd not fall into shark-infested water but into a net, where I'd pull them into my ship and have my way with them if they smelled nice (if they smelled bad, then off to the dungeon with them!). And once they'd been entranced by my beauty, we'd go dig up their treasure and distribute it amongst the poor at the ports.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. #5: That's OK. :) I'll watch baseball while you re-read Lord of the Rings. #9: That is an AWESOME fantasy.

  2. You might enjoy the book Cinnamon & Gunpowder featuring a female pirate.

  3. I enjoyed your childhood memory and made me think of something similar. I enjoyed your pirate story too!


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