Thursday, June 06, 2024

Thursday Thirteen

1. Thursday sneaks up on me sometimes. Like today. It's Thursday and 2 p.m. and I've not done a Thursday 13! Whatever is going on!

2. It rained a toad strangler yesterday afternoon, dumping nearly 2 inches of water according to the gauge. From the looks of the washed-out driveway, it was a lot of water.

3. After using the same iPhone SE for about 7 years, I bought a newer version of the iPhone SE for my upcoming birthday. My old one was an iPhone 5; I think this one is like an iPhone 8 or something. I do not like the newer iPhones; they are huge. If I wanted to carry a refrigerator around at my ear, I'd do that.

4. Speaking of refrigerators, the door on mine is not closing properly. After moving everything about and ensuring nothing was blocking the door, I was flummoxed. Then I happened into the kitchen when nothing else was running - no heat pump humming, no TV blaring, and opened the door. It made a little "shush shush" sound, like something was rubbing. From that information, my husband deduced that something calling a bushing in the door hinge had worn out.

5. Sometimes one needs a little quiet in order to find the source of the problem. Too much noise, too much yelling, too much shouting, only lends to confusion. Be still, says me. Be quiet.

6. So far, the stillness hasn't helped me figure out all the things I need to on my new phone. I seem to have lost one of the most important apps and I can open it if I go into apps, but I can't open it straight from the phone and I don't know how to fix it. I am hoping time will help.

7.  We had more rain this afternoon. We've had more rain in two days than we had in most of May, I think. We have been dry here.

8. Some parts of the state have been wet, though. This reminds me of people who can't get their head around two facts at once, for some reason. Like how the price of toilet paper can be high and the economy can still be good. The fact that the price of toilet paper is high might lead one to think the economy is in the um, well, you know, but actually it's kind of roaring along. Maybe not for everyone, but all in all, we're lucky we're not doggy-doo-doo deep in a depression following the pandemic.

9. I told my husband the other day that I did not feel emotionally depressed, but I felt logically depressed. He looked at me like I was nuts. But you know what I mean, right? Emotionally I felt fine, but my brain was still telling me the bad interior soundtrack that leads to depression in the first place. Hard to shut that down when it's been rolling for a half-century.

10. Some businesses are closing, and the price of gas is still high. Some people believe, I guess, that the president calls the local BP station and tells it what price the gas should be today. They don't understand capitalism or economics. Actually, a lot of folks don't seem to understand much of anything that pertains to reality because they're living in some weird space that I do not inhabit.

11. I had thought the local special thinkers were known only to the rest of us locals, but I recently learned that the surrounding counties are well aware of the things going on in my community. One person called them "anti-development people" who are really "“the government only works when it works for me” people. That seems about right.

12. You could also call them "hurrah for me and F-U" people.

13. As for me, just call me, so long as it's not to be mean. 


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 863rd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I get it #9. I never heard the term toad strangler before.

  2. I am absolutely fixated on my refrigerator breaking down. I don't know why it's the refrigerator, but it is. We have a big special assessment coming up and I can pay cash for it, but if I do, my household emergency stash will be empty and what if my refrigerator breaks down? My credit card offered me a special APR if I use it to pay for appliances and I took it, because what if my refrigerator breaks down? My refrigerator seems to be running fine, but for some reason I'm consumed with worry about it.

  3. I have not heard toad strangler before either. Of course, we don't get a lot of rain generally, so I'm sure there are many rainy terms I have not heard.

    When I get stuck with bad thoughts in my head, I need to find someone else to take me out of it. Someone I don't see frequently. Or I need to go somewhere and do something. I need outside influences that do things I don't expect to take me out of that spiral.


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