Thursday, April 04, 2024

Thursday Thirteen

1. I've been having trouble managing my time this week. Time has not been on my side! Instead, it's playing rough house with me, and I feel like a pinball in a machine. Whiz! Bing!

2. This morning I was supposed to see my doctor, but she called me early (I was in the shower, shampoo all over my hair, and I almost didn't answer the phone, but I did) to reschedule to a telehealth appointment because her whole staff is out with Covid. She only gave me about 15 minutes to finish up and dress before the telehealth appointment, so I still had wet hair when I saw her over the phone. This was just a check-in that I have to do every three months for one of the drugs I take, so it was no big deal.

3. That gave me extra time and I was glad of that because I hadn't written a Thursday Thirteen yet and had no clue what I would write about. I still don't know, but I am writing anyway.

4. If I could turn back time, I would go way back to when I was about 20, and I would immediately start an exercise program. I hated exercising and still hate exercising, but I can see that it is an important component to good health.

5. Time after time I have attempted to lose weight, and I can manage a few pounds off, but I truly think that my hormones are so screwed up from all the drugs I was given when we were trying for a child that things in my body simply don't work like they should. 

6. I was reading an article earlier this week that said in a little while, the clocks will all need to be moved up a second because the spin of the earth has slowed. Does anybody really know what time it is anyway? Aren't we making it up as we go along? Why do we let those little hands on a clock dictate what we're supposed to be doing and when?

7. Most days I have too much time on my hands, and I find myself trying to fill the time with mundane chores, video games, or playing guitar. I need to be writing but apparently, I'm just not cut out to do that. Maybe being a news reporter is my best gig.

8. Yesterday, I worked on the bookkeeping to fill my time. The bookkeeping is not a favorite thing to do, but it must be done, and I'm trying to do better with it and keep it current. I'm not quite current yet, but I'm closer than I was.

9. The times they are a'changing from the looks of things. I see things going on that terrify me - and I wonder what people are thinking when I watch a youtube video and some guy says, "If Trump wants to be a dictator, that's fine by me, I think we need one of those." Do they understand what they are suggesting? Do they not realize how much loss of freedom that would entail? Do they not realize that if we give one man that much power, he could control everything and take all we own and call it his? How can they think that way?

10. If I could, I would put time in a bottle and then store it somewhere until someone smarter than me figures out how to fix things. Life feels pretty broken for a lot of people, but I think that too many people, me included, are seeing on the bottom of the glass and aren't realizing that they need a change in point of view. If you have enough - a roof over your head, food, a job, and a little left over to go to dinner once in a while, you're doing pretty good in a country that has systematically set out to ensure that the money rolls to the top of the food chain, leaving the rest of fighting it out for the dredges.

11. Time waits for no one, and neither do the vultures. We lost another calf to the vultures over the Easter weekend. We didn't get there in time. The vultures are mean and vicious and they swoop in and before you can take 20 steps, the little calf is gone. We can't do anything about them because they're a protected species. But you can bet I'd sure like to find some way to deter them from the farm. They don't seem to be afraid of anything.

12. There are all sorts of references to songs about time in this Thursday Thirteen. Not in every entry, but in most. How many titles can you find?

13. Now that I have Thursday Thirteen done, what shall I do with my time? It's about time I have the time of my life, isn't it?


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 854th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I caught many song references. Very clever!

  2. There's a specific time they add those leap seconds. It's either right before midnight on December 31st or June 30th. I read that somewhere a while ago, and it stuck.

    Every time I hear about this slow slide into dictatorship we seem to be on, I think of that meme of the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party, and how those in the party didn't expect the leopards to eat *their* faces.

  3. Time passes faster on a mountain top than at sea level. I didn't know and wouldn't have thought that vultures are a protected species.

  4. I like the idea of "rough housing" with time. Every time I read what you ride about vultures, I shudder.

  5. caught a few of those timely song references.. and loved this time-themed post.. time and i always are playing tango too.


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