Monday, April 08, 2024


Today is solar eclipse day. We will have about 86% coverage here in my area. In another universe, I am in the area of totality, as I have never experienced a full eclipse that I can recall. I remember seeing partial eclipses in elementary school. We made little pin holes in boxes and watched as the black took over the white dot. I don't recall it being very exciting, viewing it that way.

In 2017, we had some cloud cover, but I was able to get photos. I was also better prepared; I had solar film for my camera, which I forgot to purchase this time. Instead, this morning I tore up a pair of solar glasses and removed the film from that and made a little cover for my camera. I am not sure if that will work. I consider it better than nothing.

It may be a non-event here, though. We have mostly cloudy skies with rain expected this afternoon, though I see peaks of sun every now and then this morning. We may not have the weather for this cool thing.

I should have solar film from 2017, but I can't find it. I probably put it up somewhere where I'd be sure to remember it . . . 


Yesterday, we watched the final in the NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament. South Carolina beat Iowa fairly handily. South Carolina had a deep line-up of players and could send in fresh bodies, while Iowa kept most of its starters on the floor for the entire time. In the last few seconds, Iowa sent out its second string so they could stand on the floor while the team lost. There was no way they could make up that deficit in the time left, so it didn't matter who was holding the ball.

I like basketball but I seldom watch it. I don't like men's basketball much, as I find it very rough, but I like to watch women play. Perhaps now there will be more airtime for the WNBA, since there appears to be a viewership for women's sports.


  1. The solar eclipse is all over the news here. Apparently we can see it in the West, moving from Ireland across the Irish sea to Wales and Manchester - but we won't see it because it will just be a partial one I think and there is too much cloud cover (plus it will almost be dark anyway).

    I hope you catch/caught it.




  2. Not sure whether my last comment saved - sorry if it is repeated.

    The eclipse has been all over the news here and apprently we will get a glimpse too, diminishing as you head east. ALso it will almost be dark here anyway - and the cloud cover will restrict it further.

    I hope you catch/caught it. Don't do a Donald Trump and stare righ into it.




  3. We are in the path for totality--and it's a glorious, sunny, spring-like day!

  4. We saw the eclipse seven years ago in totality. We were out and about going to Amish country and didn't see this one except that on the way home we could see it was a bit darker.


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