Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday Thirteen

Time doesn't always seem to be on our side, but sometimes we can find time when we're not exactly hunting for it. If you find yourself with a minute to spare, here are 13 things you can do with that little bitty span of time. It might help you get something done!

1. Make your bed. Really. It doesn't take that long.

2. Brush your teeth or floss. Good dental hygiene is important!

3. Drink a glass of water. Staying hydrated helps you think and keeps your muscles working.

4. Stretch your body. Try touching your toes and just holding it there for a minute. It will make your lower back feel better!

5. Write a thank-you note. They don't have to be elaborate. Just do it!

6. Meditate. Focus on your breathing. You can actually feel your breath enter your nose if you pay attention.

7. Read a page of a book. Or two, if you're a fast reader. (This one could trip me up if I have someplace to go and I get involved in the book too quickly.)

8. Sing a song. And do a little shimmy while you sing!

9. Fold your clothes. Like making your bed, this is a chore that doesn't take as long as it seems. I think dreading it takes longer than actually doing it.

10. Delete unwanted emails or clear out your spam folder. Everybody has unwanted emails!

11. Learn a new word. I really like this one. Learning is good!

12. Compliment someone. You'll make somebody's day.

13. Smile 😊. A good smile never hurts.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 842nd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. What a great list! Very positive and so simple. And a good reminder to me that I need to drink more water. PS Thanks for asking about me. Turns out my cold was really a minor but tenacious sinus infection that's almost completely behind me. YAY!

  2. I can't touch my toes without bending my knees. I've never been able to. I remember as a kid never figuring out how people could bend over that far. I guess I'm weird. I make my bed every day, and I fold my clothes as soon as I take them out of the dryer. It's better to get those chores done immediately rather than letting them hang over your head.

  3. I can and will do most of those today! On my way to make my bed after I send a thank you email! (and comment) Thank you.

  4. Great things to make habits! A lot of those are things I do daily. I have always made my bed, if I don't the dog gets in the sheets! Brushing my teeth is something I couldn't forget. My dentist said it didn't matter about flossing, which is good since it never became second nature to me. I delete emails, text messages, etc. so soon I sometimes have to ask the sender to resend! My phone used to have such a little amount of storage I'm in the habit of clearing it all out.

  5. Cool list! I’m happy to say I do a bunch of them each day.


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