Thursday, November 02, 2023

Thursday Thirteen

Tuesday, November 7, is voting day. In Virginia, we can vote early, and I've already cast my ballot. Will you go vote on Tuesday? I sure hope so!

Here are some reasons why you should go vote:

1. Express Your Voice: Voting is a way to express your opinions and values in the political process.

2. Influence Policy: Your vote can help shape the policies that affect your daily life.

3. Hold Elected Officials Accountable: Voting allows you to choose leaders and hold them accountable for their actions in office.

4. Change the Status Quo: Voting gives you the power to bring about change if you're dissatisfied with current conditions.

5. Protect Your Rights: Voting is a way to safeguard the civil rights and liberties that previous generations fought for.

6. Diverse Representation: Voting helps ensure a diverse and representative government that reflects the nation's demographics.

7. Support Your Community: Voting can lead to improved local infrastructure, education, and public services.

8. Economic Impact: Elected officials make decisions that can impact job creation, wages, and economic stability.

9. Environmental Policies: Your vote can influence environmental policies and address issues like climate change.

10. Social Justice: Voting can contribute to achieving social justice and equal rights for all citizens.

11. Healthcare Access: Your vote can impact healthcare policies and the availability of affordable healthcare.

12. Education Funding: Voting can influence funding for schools and access to quality education.

13. Preserve Democracy: By voting, you actively participate in the democratic process, which is essential for the functioning of the nation.

When you vote, you are influencing the policies and decisions that affect your life and your community. Whether it’s health care, education, environment, or economy, your vote matters!


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 832nd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. This is a great list, and a great reminder of why it's so important!

  2. I love this TT so much! If more citizens did their duty and voted, we wouldn't have to discuss term limits. #3 -- our actions at the ballot box would decide term limits.

  3. Amen. Sometimes I wish there was a viable 3rd party. I get so frustrated with the nonaction and political maneuvering.


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