Thursday, October 12, 2023

Thursday Thirteen

I feel like I recently did something like this but am too sorry to go back and check. Anyway, for today, here are some top conspiracy theories. Most all of these are US based (which tells you something about the citizenry.) Do you think I believe in any of them?

1. The assassination of John F. Kennedy: Some people believe that the CIA, the Mafia, Cuba, or the Soviet Union were involved in the killing of the US president in 1963, and that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone gunman.

2. Area 51 and aliens: Some people believe that the US military base in Nevada is hiding and experimenting on extraterrestrial beings and their spacecraft, especially after a supposed UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.

3. The moon landing hoax: Some people believe that the Apollo 11 mission in 1969 was staged by NASA and filmed in a studio, possibly at Area 51, to win the space race against the Soviet Union.

4. The 9/11 attacks: Some people believe that the US government orchestrated or allowed the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, to justify wars in the Middle East, increase surveillance, and create a false sense of patriotism.

5. The death of Princess Diana: Some people believe that the British royal family or the British intelligence service MI6 arranged the car crash that killed Princess Diana and her companion Dodi Fayed in 1997, to prevent her from marrying a Muslim or exposing secrets.

6. Chemtrails: Some people believe that the white trails left by airplanes in the sky are not water vapor, but chemicals sprayed by the government or other organizations for various nefarious purposes, such as weather control, population control, or mind control.

7. The reptilian elite: Some people believe that many world leaders, celebrities, and influential figures are actually shape-shifting reptilian aliens who are part of an ancient bloodline that seeks to enslave humanity.

8. The COVID-19 pandemic: Some people believe that the coronavirus outbreak in 2020 was planned or engineered by various actors, such as China, Bill Gates, or Big Pharma, for political or economic gain, or to reduce the world population.

9. The Paul McCartney death: Some people believe that Paul McCartney of The Beatles died in a car accident in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike named William Campbell, and that the band left clues about this switch in their songs and album covers.

10. The Denver airport conspiracy: Some people believe that the Denver International Airport in Colorado is hiding a secret underground bunker for the New World Order, or a portal to hell, and that its murals, sculptures, and symbols contain sinister messages.

11. The HAARP project: Some people believe that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), a scientific facility in Alaska that studies the ionosphere, is actually a weapon of mass destruction or a mind control device that can manipulate weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, and human behavior.

12. The Montauk Project: Some people believe that a secret military base on Long Island, New York, conducted experiments on time travel, teleportation, mind control, and contact with aliens in the 1970s and 1980s, involving kidnapped children and a psychic named Duncan Cameron.

13. The Philadelphia Experiment: Some people believe that a US Navy destroyer called USS Eldridge became invisible or teleported from Philadelphia to Norfolk in 1943 as part of an experiment on cloaking technology involving Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, and that the crew suffered horrific consequences.

And an extra because I'd never heard of it until I started looking these up:

The Titanic switch: Some people believe that the RMS Titanic that sank in 1912 was actually its sister ship, the RMS Olympic, which was damaged in a collision and swapped for insurance fraud, and that the sinking was either intentional or allowed to happen by the owners.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 829th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I have family members who believe several of these--specifically 6, 8, and 11

  2. You did this at least twice before, last month and back in 2010. (I live to serve.) These are like reptiles: fascinating and repellant at the same. But boy, are they dumb! If British intelligence wanted to kill Diana, they have ways so much more reliable and private than a busy Paris underpass with paparazzi photographing every moment and literally dozens of other drivers right there to mess up the equation. The OPD patch on Paul's jacket from the Sgt. Pepper sleeve was a gift from the Ontario Police Dept., so it doesn't indicate he was Officially Pronounced Dead. You didn't include the grandpappy of them all, the JFK assassination, but the most obvious way to debunk the CIA/Mafia connection is to consider how Lee Harvey Oswald left the Texas Book Depository: by bus. How many paid assassins rely on public transportation? My teeth hurt just considering these things. I read the Vanity Fair article on Bobby Jr. and it's silly, sad, and sobering. But he had trauma throughout his life: the death of his uncle when he was just 9, the murder of his father five years later in the hotel kitchen while he was upstairs waiting for him, unrelenting public scrutiny, decades of drug abuse, the loss of (I think) two siblings, the suicide of his ex-wife ... So I kind of see how conspiracies give him an illusion of control in a life that's been chaotic and painful. I don't excuse it, though. Rumors and conspiracies about the Covid 19 virus and vax cost people their lives. This shit is not only pathetic for the believer, it's toxic for the public.

  3. I find these things sad, and scary. You are right, they are toxic, and I deliberately left out a lot of them that I thought would draw commentary from deranged people, including the JFK one. I see new ones, or different versions of old ones, crop up all the time, and it confounds me how people can be so ignorant.


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