Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sunday Stealing

1. What is your favorite book?

A. We all know it's Lord of the Rings. If we throw that one out, then it would be Anne of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery.

2. Are you afraid of the dark?

A. Not usually, no. 

3. Are you mean?

A. I certainly hope not, but I am sure I can be if circumstances warrant it. I would not be surprised if there aren't people out there who think I am mean.

4. Is cheating ever OK?

A. I think it depends on the circumstances. It's like speeding. Sometimes you have to drive over the speed limit (like if you have someone in the car having an emergency). Generally speaking, cheating is not ok.

5. Can you keep white shoes white?

A. I have a pair that I have worn for 4 years almost every day that were in great shape, except the stitches fell apart on the side finally. They were white sneakers.

6. Are you currently bored?

A. I'm almost always bored.

7. Would you change your name?

A. I might use a pen name sometime.

8. Do you like the subway?

A. The only time I was ever on a subway was when I was in high school and on a trip to Spain and France. I didn't dislike it, but I wouldn't know if it is something I like or not now.

9. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?

A. My friend Teresa.

10. Dumbest lie you’ve ever told?

A. I don't generally lie, so I can't think of anything. When I was a teenager, I generally did not tell my parents where I really was and would say I was at so-and-so's house. So maybe those kind of lies.

11. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?

A. The house is locked up. The door to the bedroom is open.

12. Favorite month?

A. June.

13. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?

A. Milk chocolate, these days.

14. Tea or coffee?

A. I don't drink either. I only drink water.

15. Night or day?

A. They both have their merits. Easier to see during the day, easier to hide at night.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. Your answer to #15 made me smile, 'easier to hide at night' struck by funny bone. :) Have a great day.

  2. I know I have had moments of being mean. I dislike that about myself.

  3. I do know when when the speed limit is 65 mph, you're going 67, and everyone is passing, then maybe you ARE going too slowly!

  4. Enquiring minds want to know . . .what pen name would you use? When I read your comment about being bored, I remembered when many years ago I was snowed in at a friend's mother's house. We lost power. I made the mistake of saying I was bored. The mother was a retired school teacher and she told me in her school teacher voice that I was never to say that again. I was not a child but a young woman when she said this to me! She promptly taught me how to polish silver. I know that my oldest sister gets bored because she is often stuck inside her house due to mobility and financial issues so I'm very aware that everyone's situations are not the same.

  5. I'm surprised you get bored! You're always reading, writing, strumming ...


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