Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thursday Thirteen

Generally speaking, I am a pacifist. I do not believe there is ever a need for a fight to the death. I think disagreements can and should be worked out diplomatically. War is an outdated concept, one that humanity should have outgrown, although obviously we have not.

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees, and it feels like World War III is coming, doesn't it? Scary times. 

Here are 13 reasons why I object to "war" for the sake of "war."

1. War increases the power and control of governments over their citizens. It restricts freedom of speech, assembly, and movement.

2. War disrupts trade and commerce and harms economic prosperity. It drains resources that could be used to better the plight of the human condition.

3. Unintended consequences often result from military interventions.

4. War involves innocent people getting hurt and families being separated.

5.  It does not address root causes of conflicts, such as hunger, inequality, oppression, etc.

6. It violates humanitarian (and Christian) ethics of peace and love. War is about power, greed, and domination, not justice.

7. War is costly in terms of lives, resources, environment and reputation.

8. It can escalate into larger and more dangerous conflicts involving nuclear weapons or terrorism.

9.  It generally creates more enemies and resentment than it eliminates.

10.  War threatens our environment, meaning it causes pollution, deforestation, climate change and biodiversity loss. War can undermine democracy and human rights at home and abroad.

11.  War can erode moral values and principles in society. 

12. It traumatizes soldiers and civilians with physical and psychological wounds.

13. It hinders social progress and development by diverting resources from education, health care, etc.

These are some reasons why there should not be war. However, some people may disagree or have different perspectives on this issue. I know some people believe that war is sometimes necessary or justified under certain conditions. And of course, when one is attacked, generally one fights back.

*I used the new Bing AI to help write this. Some of it seems repetitive, but there you go.*


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 799th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I know I'm concentrating on the wrong thing and I apologize, but I went to ChatGPT and keyed in "13 reasons why war is bad." That list was very similar! Whoever thought the day would come when writers would be so easily replaced? (Yes, war is bad!)

  2. cool that you tried out AI.. I have been playing with it as well though not yet really used it for my blog (the repetition did get to me...) but totally agree with yours and the AIs views on war...


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