Friday, March 03, 2023

Register to Write?

From the land that is constantly giving us "Florida man" and the finger to Disney, comes a new proclamation: a proposed bill in the state legislature that, "would require bloggers who write about Gov. Ron DeSantis, his Cabinet or state legislators to register with the state."

The NBC story goes on to say it pertains to paid bloggers and not to websites of news organizations. 

No one pays me to write in my blog. I have Google Ads on the sidebar, but apparently not everyone sees them. They earn less than 1 cent a month, so I know few people ever hit them. I should take them off the blog, but I like to see the ads for the stuff I'm interested in, like guitars. I look at guitars a lot so I generally see ads for those. I can't click on the ad because that's against the rules, but I can drool over the expensive Gibsons that come up.

This proposed bill is so anti-First Amendment that I don't even know where to start. I thought it was anti-First Amendment when my locality made me get a business license to write, but it was easier to pay the small fee and get the license than to argue about it.

Forcing paid bloggers to register with some government agency is just one step away from forcing every blogger to register, paid or not. Do you want to register your blog with the government? 

I sure don't.


  1. I agree with you. So ironic to see how things are so twisted to one's political whims. So hypocritical!

  2. I have pretty much lost all respect for our government. Both "sides" are in it for themselves and the power. I don't believe they give a rat's behind about us.


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