Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Shortest Day of the Year

Today is the Winter Solstice. The sun sets here at 5:03 p.m., and after that, the daylight will slowly begin to last a little longer.

In ancient cultures, this day marked the death and rebirth of the Sun; it's always been a time of festivals, bacchanalias, and ritual. Some of the most fascinating old monuments were built around the Solstice, such as Stonehenge.

Often on the Solstice, I do a tarot reading at, just for the fun of it. I don't take these things seriously, but sometimes they give me something to think about.

Today's reading was rather eye-opening:

There are some major cards in this reading - The Hermit, The Devil, The Sun, The Emperor, and The Empress in particular.

The Hermit is familiar to me - I draw that card a lot - but I don't recall ever drawing The Devil and certainly not in conjunction with other major cards. I don't think I've ever drawn The Emperor and The Empress in the same spread, either.

The Empress card indicates there is someone in my life - or someone coming into my life - whom I should strive to emulate, while The Emperor card indicates that someone with power and influence may soon be interested in my abilities.

The Devil, however, throws a big rocky rock into the pond of my life. This card demands raw energy and suggests drastic change. Some force will both attract and repel me at the same time. This card indicates a creative and chaotic time, provided I have the courage to move forward.

The Sun card indicates I can fulfill a dream, maybe even change my world. 

Given the cards thrown here, it looks like forward movement is going to require some strength on my part to withstand the forces that want to hold me back.

The Hermit in the position of Higher Power is particularly important, for it indicates I'm trying to wean myself of addictions and distractions. Oddly, I have already begun this, most especially by trying to rid myself of my video game addiction. I've told all of my fellowships I will no longer be playing after the first of the year. I am working to set aside something that part of me holds dear and another part kind of loathes because it is non-productive.

The other cards support this view that I am in a time of change, but one where I will need downtime to recharge before I hustle back into the game. It looks a bit like a battle of three steps forward, two steps back, but that means that I will eventually reach a goal.

I'm just not sure what goal it is I am going for, though I think I may have an idea.

We'll see if the Solstice brings me a bunch of brighter tomorrows.

Happy Solstice to all!

P.S. If any of you are tarot readers and want to chime in on what you see above, feel free!

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