Sunday, November 06, 2022

Sunday Stealing

1. Have you ever written to a celebrity? Did they respond?

A. I don't recall any specifics, but I may have when I was much younger, like pre-teen. But I don't think they responded.

2. Do you read letters immediately, or wait until ready to reply?

A. I usually read them immediately.

3. My preferences when it comes to reading are . . .

A. Fairly eclectic. I read mysteries, fantasy, science fiction, women's literature, mainstream literature, nonfiction, biographies, memoir, etc.

4. What I'm least likely to change my mind about . . . 

A. Is the harm one half of the country is trying to do to the other.

5. The topics I would get wrong about during trivia . . .

A. Would be anything to do with cooking, including names of foods.

6. What am I hopeful about right now?

A. I am hopeful about the November 8 election, my husband's improving health, and the weather. 

7. Philosophies I've learned/embraced from others . . .

A. Tomorrows are generally better days if the one you're in is bad. Wear clean underwear. Don't eat rotten fruit. Brush your teeth twice a day. Don't pick at scabs. Don't bite your nails.

8.  What makes home feel like home?

A. My husband lives here with me, and my stuff is here. We have a lovely view of my beloved Blue Ridge Mountains.

9.  Talents and skills I like to cultivate . . .

A. Include working on my guitar playing, writing, and learning the names of birds and plants.
10. What makes my heart race . . .

A. Is a kiss from my husband, and riding in a car while he is driving. He tends to see out of his ear and terrifies me sometimes when we're in the car.

11. What power means to me . . .

A. Is the ability to do what I want when I want to do it.

12. Some of my comfort hobbies . . .

A. Include playing guitar, video games, and reading.

13. Last time I was pleasantly surprised . . .

A. Was probably in 2013 when my husband threw me a surprise birthday party.

14. How was my October 2022?

A. It was lovely; we had beautiful colors in the leaves this year. I took loads of photos.

15.  Those who inspire my growth . . .

A. Are people who teach me to be a better person.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I love that you have a view of the mountains. That would be breathtaking to me. I am always wanting to go stay in the mountains for vacation. Of course, we never go on vacation. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  2. Is this your main Blog ? You have so many but old once

  3. I used to throw surprise parties, pre-COVID

  4. Laughing about your husband's driving making your heart race! The older my husband gets, the more time he spends looking around while he's driving instead of looking at the road and the vehicle begins to wander. It makes me a nervous wreck and then he gets irritated with me if I show it.

  5. Any view of the Blue Ridge Mountains is gorgeous I think!

  6. #7 - Wise words.

    #12 - Me too (substitute piano for guitar).





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