Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thursday Thirteen

The approach of winter can sometimes bring about a condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is a form of depression. Here are some tips for handling it.

1. Get outside as much as possible. Morning light in particular seems helpful. Even sunlight on your hands helps create Vitamin D, which is something a lot of folks lack.

2. Stay active. Exercising is helpful not only for physical health, but mental health, too.

3. Try light therapy. They make lights that help people with SAD. Use it in the morning so it doesn't interfere with sleep.

4. Get enough rest. (If you're having a particularly bad day, sometimes taking a nap helps. You might wake up in a better mood.)

5. Practice good oral hygiene. Flossing and brushing your teeth helps by (1) being an activity anyone can quickly do and feel accomplished and (2) keeping your teeth and gums healthy.

6. Watch your diet. It's easy to overeat when you feel stressed and out of sorts. Put away the candy and snack on something healthy, like an apple or grapes.

7. Keep in touch with friends. Even reaching out with a little "hello" text to someone you don't speak to on a regular basis can help. Go back through the list of folks you've interacted with in the past. Is there someone you don't talk to now that might welcome you if you reach out?

8. Listen to music - but not too loudly. Music can be soothing, but don't add hearing loss to your list of woes!

9. Try not to think about yourself too much. Maybe your bones creak and things are sagging in all the wrong places, but we all grow old. Obviously, if something is wrong you need to go to the doctor and have it sorted out, but there's little we can do about the strange changes bodies go through as they age.

10. Practice safe walking. Look for obstacles around your home that might cause a fall, and then remedy the situation. Not only will removing things like throw rugs or furniture that's sticking out in the wrong place keep you from falling, you'll also get a sense of accomplishment from making your home safer.

11. Try yoga or tai chi. Videos can be helpful here. Check out what's on youtube for free.

12. Meditate. (This is actually a little harder than you might think but give it a go.)

13. If all else fails, see your doctor. There are medications that can help.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 779th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. At least they didn't have the clocks turn back and it's been warm enough. I'm bracing myself though.

  2. I didn't know about SAD. Thank you for the helpful post. This is great advice for anyone.

  3. This part of PA is so cloudy so much of the time that a large percentage of the people here don't have enough vitamin D so it is one of the most popular supplements. I take 5000 IU's every day all year round.

  4. My oldest friend insisted she suffered from SAD and used that as one of her reasons for moving to sunny Southern California. Her move was a disaster, but that's because she diagnosed HERSELF with SAD, rather than working with a mental health professional or doctor. Turns out she has a chemical imbalance, and staying in the sun after 4:30 PM didn't make any difference at all.

    Which is not to say that this isn't a legitimate problem for many, many people! I especially liked what you said about oral hygiene. Self care is important, and tooth brushing is important self care. And you're right, meditation is hard. I just read the autobiography of a man I truly admire and he says he starts his day with 20 minutes of meditation. He's creative and accomplished, so I should give it a shot. Except that stillness makes me uncomfortable.

  5. That’s a great list, merci beaucoup. I wonder if people born in Spring and Summer are more bound to get this condition.

  6. Hi Anita, I enjoyed your Thursday 13 this week. Enjoy your weekend!


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