Saturday, September 10, 2022

Saturday 9: No Roots

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is about a woman who has moved a lot and is always packing boxes. Do you have packing materials (boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, etc.) in your home right now? Do you have them on hand to ship things, or are you preparing for a move?

A. I have boxes and tape here. I use them for returns, mostly, or have them for Christmas. I am not preparing to move.

2) She sings that she moves from place to place, collecting memories. Would you rather travel light and travel often, or put down roots?

A. I put down roots. I have been in the same place for 35 years. But I always thought I would travel. Guess not.

3) She can recall all the gates and house numbers of all the places she's lived. Does your current residence have a fence and gate? Did your previous one?

A. My driveway has neither fence nor gate. My driveway runs between two fences. We could gate it if we wanted, I suppose, but there is no need.

4) This week's artist, Alice Merton, moved often as a child as her father's job took the family from Germany to the US to Canada to England back to Germany. She wrote this song to help her deal with feelings of loneliness and longing. When you're feeling overwhelmed, how do you work through the feelings?

A. Sometimes I go to bed and go to sleep. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I call a friend. Sometimes I write it out. Sometimes I write a song.

5) Alice is still on the move. Soon she'll be performing throughout Europe. Have you ever had a job that required you to travel? If yes, did you enjoy it?

A. I have never had a job that required travel.

6) "No Roots" is a favorite of Kelly Clarkson's, who has performed it on tour and on TV. When you think of Kelly, is at as a singer, a judge on The Voice, or as a talk show host?

A. I think of her as a singer and as a former judge on The Voice. She isn't going to be on that show this year. I have not seen her on her talk show host except occasional YouTube video clips.

7) In 2017, when this song was popular, Faye Dunaway made Oscar history by announcing the wrong winner for the biggest award of the night, Best Picture. It wasn't her fault as she was given the wrong envelope, but she's one who made the on-screen flub seen around the world. Have you recently had an embarrassing moment?

A. Not that I can recall. It's rather hard to have those when you're mostly at home.

8) Wonder Woman was 2017's most popular movie. She was originally introduced in a 1941 DC comic book. Comic books remain a big business. Have you ever been to a comic bookstore?

A. Oh yes. There used to be two here; I think there is only one now. I haven't been in a comic bookstore in years, but I always liked going.

9) Random question: Is your skin itchy this morning?

A. No.

I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  


  1. You sound like a Voice fan. I keep meaning to get into it. Maybe this season!

  2. You and me, both, on the traveling. When I was young I dreamed of being a globe-trotting reporter. Ha!

  3. #2 You got me beat by 4 years.
    #4 When I was stressed out I wrote poetry. I don't know how good it is but it helped to release the stress.

  4. I watch The Voice. Blake Shelton was on Jimmy Fallon the other night and they showed some clips coming up.
    I would like to travel more. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  5. I enjoy the Voice but I don't watch it as faithfully as I used to.

  6. #7. Yes. *Nods* Being home most of the time DOES help. So does sleeping - "perchance to dream?"- is a good cure for being overwhelmed. The weight of Life can be pretty heavy sometimes.


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