Thursday, June 02, 2022

Thursday Thirteen

My husband's family owns over 200 acres, and various places have names. This is how I'm supposed to know about where my husband is when he's doing something.

Grandma's old house. This is the original farmhouse. It was built with slave labor.

1. The field beside Grandma's old house.

The field beside Grandma's old house.

2. The field in front of Grandma's old house.

3. The field in front of Mom's house.

4. The triangle field.

5. The field in front of the old house.

The cut field is the "field in front of the old house." The old house
is not visible in this photo. This is from the rear of the field.

6. The big field.

7. The field behind the little green house.

8. The bottom.

9. The pond.

10. Graveyard hill.

There's a graveyard up near the tree line.

11. The shed.

12. Mom's.

13. The glen in front of our house.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 758th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. All those beautiful rolling, green hills. I love the scenery of the Virginia countryside.

  2. Wow. I have the yard, the front yard, the garden and the clothesline.

  3. That’s a lot of names to remember! The places are sure beautiful.

  4. I love grandma’s house! It’s one of the most beautiful homes in Botetourt!

  5. These photos are lovely, and the names are charming.


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