Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thursday Thirteen

Many people keep a journal. However, there are many different types of journals.

1. Every day journal. This is the one most people think about when they think of keeping a journal, where you list your daily activities and thoughts.

2. Food journal. This would be a list of things you eat or want to eat or think about eating.

3. Dream journal. Notations about your dreams.

4. Gratitude journal. Things to be grateful for, like having eyes or being able to write.

5. Bible journal. This would be a journal about reflections after you've read the Bible (or some other religious book) and what the words you've read mean to you.

6. Book journal. This could be a list of books you want to read or books you've read, along with your impressions of the book and anything you may have learned from it.

7. Travel journal. This would be a journal about places you go.

8. Event journal. Journaling about a particular event, such as a pregnancy, a move, adopting a dog, etc.

9. Morning journal. Often called morning pages, these are stream-of-conscious journals written first thing the morning as a way to clear the mind.

10. To-do journals. This would be a list of things you want or need to do.

11. One Line A Day journal. It's just what it says it is. Write one line a day about what happened or what you're thinking.

12. Weather journal. Keep up with the clouds and the rainfall in a weather journal.

13. Garden journal. Make notes about the plants in your garden or yard, how well they grow, which plant needs fertilizing and so on.

You can journal about anything. What do you journal about?

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 711th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I used to keep the old Dear Diary kind of journal when I was a kid, but don't journal now. I'm more of a list maker. I did try to do the sentence a day once but only made it through the first month.

  2. I've kept different journals at different times. The everyday, mostly. I have another next to my bed which is a combination dream & writing ideas journal that I jot things down in the night. I book blog, too. And I have a dedicated writing journal where I free-write, jot ideas for my novels, character sketches, snippets, whatever occurs to me.

  3. I keep a dream journal for the big dreams but can barely read my own writing. I keep a journal for notes and that's even more a mess. I used to keep a regular journal until blogging came about. Now I have a record of sorts to go back to when I need to.

  4. This is a great list! I like to journal about my favorite movie and TV characters, and I also like to keep a haiku journal.

  5. I keep a gratitude/affirmation journal. Although some times I just write in the pages to release my feelings on different things in my life. Writing and music have always been the ways I express and release my feelings. I think it comes out of a childhood of people yelling and arguments. I hate confrontation although I’m good at it when necessary. I would much rather make my point with words or music than yelling voices.


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