Thursday, May 20, 2021

Thursday Thirteen #707

1. I am tired of the question, "Will you still wear a mask?" on social media. How is this anyone's business and what difference does it make? Do what you need to do to be safe. If that means leaving a store because you're uncomfortable with or without masks, just leave. Why must people fuss over a piece of cloth?

2. While social media is much quieter with the former guy off of it, I find that I am moving further away from it anyway. I have nothing I want to say there. I will say it here, where it isn't in your face unless you've come here to read my words. Many people on social media are simply rude, crude, and abusive. I don't need that in my life.

3. Yesterday, my doctor informed me that I am retired. I kind of knew that, but the confirmation was nice. I didn't retire on my terms. I retired on my body's terms, when it said, "I'm done."

4. Someone I know recently had gastric sleeve surgery. I'm not quite sure what that is, except it is to force you to lose weight by making your stomach small so you can't eat. This person is now on a "500 calories a day" liquid diet. So of course the weight will fall off. I would never consider doing this to myself and people I do know who've taken this action have all eventually gained the weight back. However, I wish this person much luck and success in this endeavor.

5. I wonder if it wouldn't have been easier to simply go on a liquid diet of 1000 calories a day. I know dieting is hard, but if it's fast weight loss I'm after, then I'd give that a go before I'd let some doctor cut me open again. But that's just me. 

6.  Let's bring back the word "nice." As in, be nice to your neighbor, your friend, your lover, your spouse, your cousin. Let's be nice to one another because we're all fighting some battle, unknown to others, and we all need a certain amount of love and kindness. If all it ever says on my tombstone is, "She was nice," I think I will consider that a win.

7. Some call that political correctness. I call it being mannerly and polite. Nice people are mannerly and polite. They have empathy and offer sympathy. Why is that so bad?

8. I am more than a little appalled that a certain segment of the population does not believe January 6, 2021, was an insurrection. Or that it shouldn't be investigated thoroughly. How does one distort reality to that extent?

9. This pandemic has changed me. It has made me more introverted and less tolerant in some ways, and more tolerant in others. I am ok with being home. I don't need trips inside stores. I know I will never see the Egyptian pyramids. But I can read about them.

10.  If more people would simply mind their own business, and leave others to do what they will so long as what they're doing doesn't harm anyone, what kind of world would this be?

11. Yesterday, I was told I am tough. I don't feel tough. Do you feel tough?

12. I have a friend who in an unreliable narrator. I find this disconcerting. I don't like books with unreliable narrators. I like this person but I am cautious around them.

13. New journeys are on the horizon for many folks as the times are a-changin'. Some of them aren't going to like the trip. Others will embrace it. Which will I do, I wonder?

*This is my 707th TT, but it doesn't feel like a jet engine. More like a tired jalopy!

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 707th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I'm disgusted with the Republicans downplaying and denial of the Jan 6th insurrection too. As a word, jalopy makes me smile. I forgot how to be in groups and am not sure I want to, unless it's Floydfest.

  2. I just discovered Thursday Thirteen yesterday, and am participating today! As for unreliable narrators, I used to know one. I was told, "Take her words and divide by two."

  3. People are so nuts over the shots and the masks. I shared a post on Facebook (not written by me) that sums up my feelings pretty well.

    For my friends who have recently gotten their cV shot or who know they will get one soon, awesome for you. I can see how relieved you are and I’m so glad that this option is available for you! ðŸŦ‚
    For my friends who aren’t sure they will get one just yet, or maybe ever, or already know that they never will, I want to throw some love and respect your way, too. I am happy that you have that choice. Medical freedom is important. ðŸĨ°
    The wonderful thing about informed consent is that two people with the same information, can make two completely different choices and neither of them is right or wrong. That is what medical freedom is and should be. ✨
    There are benefits and risks to every medical procedure. Doing the “right thing” means you’ve weighed the risks and benefits for yourself, and are making an informed decision! The only wrong decision IMO is made purely out of fear, social pressure or emotional reactivity. If you have researched your decision and are comfortable with it....great!
    What’s right for one person, may be wrong for the other. Both, on an intuitive and biological level. We’re all doing the best we can with the information we hopefully have spent time digging into. Let this be a gentle reminder *for all* to please respect each other and be mindful of the message we put out there. Is everyone “wrong” because they believe differently than you? They very likely have just as strong of a reason for their choice as you do.
    Reminder this information is also part of ones personal health information act and you have the right to not answer when asked whether you choose to get the shot or not.
    So whether you choose;
    ✅CV shot
    ✅No shot
    ✅Tequila shot ðŸĪŠ
    You’re okay in my book and I respect YOUR DECISION 😉💖
    You're NOT ok in my book when you start being rude to others because they made a decision that was BEST for them. 😎

  4. I'm so glad that you've been a writer and made a living with it. It shows in your use of the language and your style.
    The Demographics and sites that measured them pretty much pointed out that the masks were to protect others, not yourself so much. I'm a mom and I'd want people who encounter others to wear a mask to protect the little kids and their teachers who were still having to deal with classrooms. I never wore a mask for myself alone. I wore it to protect others. SD county came down hard behind this rule,and quickly, so our numbers were among the lowest ones in the entire Country. I'm glad of that. We are a hub for overseas travel, and mask wearing helped. There was only a certain sect of people refused and came up with a lot of stuff and nonsense about it. Politicians reached across the aisle and made a firm front.


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