Thursday, February 11, 2021

Thursday Thirteen: Just Say Yes

So today, what do I say yes to?

  1. warmer weather, which is not here yet, but will soon be upon us.
  2. efforts to combat climate change, regardless of how climate change is occurring, because we all need better air, clean water, and a lovely planet full of nature to live on and in and to enjoy.
  3. a new computer, which arrived today, and which has been surprisingly easy to set up.
  4. having wonderful friends who are anxious for me to get the Covid-19 vaccine.
  5. calling my father with whatever information I can find so HE can get the vaccine.
  6. more guitar playing and less computer gaming.
  7. reading more books.
  8. writing something or another.
  9. loving my husband, my family, my friends.
  10. enjoying my blog as a kind of life story in progress.
  11. watching the birds at the feeder.
  12. seeing deer in the glen
  13. phone calls from my brother (and extras - )
  14. wild turkeys in the front yard
  15. holding hands with my husband

February Journal Prompts. Join up at Kwizgiver's


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 694th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I'm not happy about probably having to get a Covid vaccine every year as someone sensitive and immune compromised. I'm on the list but no call yet. I'll be thinking about saying 'yes' more today.

  2. So many of these made me go, "Aw ..." What a lovely list.

  3. Beautiful list. I would say yes to (#1) optimism too. I don't know about the vaccine; would listen around and see....

  4. I like your list. I share a lot of yes's with you. :-) Hurrah for a new computer!


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