Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Daily Mundane

The first thing when I get up in the morning, after taking care of necessary toiletries, is turn on my computer.

If I stay off of Facebook and Twitter, and simply read the New York Times or play my city-building video game, then this is not bad time. If I go to Facebook or Twitter, my mood can quickly turn sour, particularly if I read comments. People really are stupid and I'm afraid it's catching. I'm also afraid it will be the ruin of the country.

So if I stay away from the stupid, I have a better morning. Better to move straight to the video game and deal with strategy than to try to read commentary.

The last thing I do every day is go to bed and play Jeopardy! while my husband massages my stomach where I have the perpetual knot of pain in my abdomen. We average 7 out of 12 questions correct, which I think is a horrible record, but given that it's bedtime and my brain is trying to shut down and not think, perhaps it is not so bad.

It is nice that my husband will rub my poor tummy every night to try to help me stretch out the scar tissue that has infiltrated my abdominal cavity. And ending the day trying to remember facts is a good brain workout.

I do wish they'd change the host from Alex Trebeck, though, because he has passed away and I don't like hearing him announce the play anymore.

February Journal Prompts. Join up at Kwizgiver's


  1. Good that you stay off Facebook. I don't see to many negatives. I hid a few people during the election and things got more quiet after the riot at the Capitol. I mostly go on to have access to my Bible study group, crafty group and share family things. I try to be positive on there. I am trying to spend less time on there. I am sorry you have to deal with so much pain. All from scar tissue? I know I had lots of scar tissue pain after my c-sections. Enjoy the rest of the week and stay warm.

  2. Facebook makes me sad and angry, especially comments. Yet I return. At least I'm not spending much time there any more.


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