Sunday, February 14, 2021

Sunday Stealing

1. What is the meaning of Valentine’s Day in your country/area? What happens on this day?

A. It's a Hallmark day, another holiday taken over by capitalism to force you to feel guilty if you don't spend money on the ones you love.

2. Is Valentine’s Day more for men or women? Explain your answer.

A. It is probably more for women, who tend to be insecure anyway because of being stuck in a patriarchal society that devalues women as human beings. A piece of chocolate and a flower once a year is supposed to make up for the fact that some people consider you not human.

3. Do you have any special plans for Valentine’s Day? What will you do?

A. I suspect we will be iced or snowed in and we will watch the Daytona 500. No special plans.

4. Which traditional gift would you rather receive: chocolates, flowers, or a card with a personal message?

A. I'd just as soon not have any of those.

5. Is Valentine’s Day only about romantic love? Or is it a good occasion to celebrate friendship as well?

A. I send Valentine's cards to friends sometimes.

6. Do you like romantic movies? What is your favorite romantic movie?

A. Forrest Gump. It is, really, a movie about a romance, that of Forrest and his Jenny. Great songs, too.

7. Have you ever received a Valentine’s Day card or gift from a secret admirer? How did it make you feel?

A. I have not ever received such a card, unless it was in kindergarten or some time like that, and I do not remember.

8. Is Valentine’s Day the most romantic day of the year? If not, what day is?

A. Any day is romantic if you make it so.

9. What is the most romantic thing you have done for another person?

A. I didn't argue when my husband wanted to buy a new tractor.

10. Valentine’s Day is promoted by companies whose only interest is making money. Discuss whether you agree or disagree.

A. I agree with this statement. All holidays in the U.S. are now nothing but money-making capitalistic dirt holes, aimed solely to part fools and their hard-earned cash.

11. Describe your perfect Valentine’s Day date.

A. He would sweep me off my feet and take me to the Library of Congress, where he would leave me there to ogle the books while he went to the zoo or something.

12. How should a single person spend Valentine’s Day? What do you suggest?

A. Spend it like you do any other day. The guilt or shame or whatever bad feelings are put there by society and are undeserved.

13. Do you enjoy playing cupid? Do you try to introduce people in the hope they will make a love match?

A. I do not do this.

14. Some restaurants charge higher prices on Valentine’s Day. Are you willing to pay more to dine out on this day?

A. No.

15. Is a romantic gesture more powerful on Valentine’s Day or on another day of the year?

A. No.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I think Valentine's day is fun for children. Otherwise, we ignore it unless I want to go out to eat somewhere, but it's never anywhere fancy and we don't eat out on the actual day because everything is crowded. I normally don't buy valentine cards, but I was in a Dollar General looking for a card appropriate for my 93-year-old sister and saw one that was perfect for Cliff and me. It isn't a pretty card, but the words describe us. He will be very surprised to find a card atop the Bunn coffee maker today when he gets up.

  2. Hi CountryDew:
    I love your answer to #9.
    Have a great day.

  3. I've made a couple of love matches over th eyears, but generally I don't get involved.

  4. Your answer to #11 made me laugh out loud. I agree with you on your answers. Loved your answers! Have a very Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. #11 made me laugh. Really.

    It's funny but most years, I don't even hear about Daytona until after the fact (and I watch the sports and check the sports page). But this year! I know that today is the race, and that the best there ever was/the best there ever will be (aka Michael Jordan) arrived in Daytona Beach on Friday so he could spend yesterday playing golf. He has a car in the race, you know. #23, driven by Bubba Wallace. Bubba had to move to the back of the pack because ... well, I stopped listening. But you get the idea. Here in Chicagoland, Daytona suddenly matters!

  6. I love your idea of a Valentine date. Sounds perfect for me! I remember before Valentine's Day became a Hallmark occasion. Now it surprises me that TV ads seem to assume that it is a gift-giving occasion...and an EXPENSIVE gift-giving occasion! My husband must have read FTW this morning because I got chocolate instead of flowers. Yippee!

  7. #9 hahahaha. I can relate to that.
    It was amusing to see a whole bunch of men of all ages wandering around the grocery store early yesterday morning carrying flowers or plant in one hand and holding a helium Valentine's balloon in the other.


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