Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Cardinals in the Snow

The bird feeder seems to be particularly attractive to cardinals. They light in the tree in the front yard and take off from there to hit the feeder. They go back and forth. While the male is brighter, I find myself hunting out the females, to be sure they receive their time in the spotlight.



  1. Fabulous. We don't have Cardinals here in Colorado. I miss them from when I lived back east.

  2. Great pics!! I had 14 at the feeder when it snowed!! Love these birds!

  3. Beautiful pictures Anita. I think you are as talented with that camera as you are with writing!

  4. Wow, these pictures are amazing. I always loved watching the cardinals at my Mom's when she was still in SC. Sadly, we don't have them here in NM. On the up side, we have a crazy amount of hawks, which are equally fun to watch :)


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