Sunday, July 05, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. Have you ever had a vacation ruined by the weather or did you just work around it?

A. We have had several vacations interrupted by hurricanes when we were at Myrtle Beach, SC. We evacuated and came home. It's rather hard to work around hurricanes and severe flooding.

2. What small changes do you feel people could make to give the planet a fighting chance against global warming?

A. Drive less (that seemed to help while we were all in lockdown), recycle (although I think the US recycling attempts are abysmal), try to purchase things without so much packaging.

3. Are you adversely affect by the weather, such as SAD?

A. Yes. I also get headaches with thunderstorms.

4. How is the weather where you are and have you seen drastic changes in it during your life time?

A. We have much more wind now than I recall as a child, and summer comes earlier. Right now it is hot and humid.

5. Do you think we can stop global warming or is it too late?

A. It's probably too late. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't eliminate pollution as much as possible. Who wants to breathe dirty air? I mean, besides #45, who keeps taking away the regulations on businesses.

6. What could you do for an hour or so today that you would really enjoy doing?

A. Read.

7. What could you do for an hour today that might improve your life in the future?

A. I have some financial figuring to contemplate with my husband later in the day.

8. What could you do for an hour today that could strengthen or improve a skill you would like to be able to rely on?

A. Read.

9. What could you do for an hour today that would make your living space more pleasant to live in?

A. Clean up my husband's office, but I think that would take more than an hour.

10. What could you do for an hour today that would improve your relationships with loved ones?

A. Call somebody.

11. Do you like, dislike, or pay no attention to the wind?

A. I am not a fan of wind. I don't mind a gentle breeze, but strong winds are scary.

12. Do you have allergies or sinus made worse by the wind?

A. I have allergies and the wind doesn't help.

13. Have you ever been caught in a big wind (not a hurricane or tornado)?

A. Yes. In 2012, we had a derecho wind come through here. Many folks lost power for about 10 days,  trees blew over, all sorts of things.

14. When was the last time you flew a kite?

A. Maybe 30 years ago.

15. Would you like to have the power of flight?

A. Not particularly.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them. 


  1. I forgot the dericho... what a freak storm! And damaging and I forgot about it. It tore all the way up the coast too, when we went to Lake Placid that year, there were wide areas where trees were torn out. We have constant wind here, one time it tore the concrete tiles off the roof. LeeAnna

  2. We don't normally get hurricanes in the UK but we do get the ones that hit the US after they have calmed down - they just bring the Atlantic Ocean to our door.




  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi CountryDrew.
      I enjoyed your answers as usual!
      Have a great Sunday.

  4. I remember talking with my youngest niece trying to distract her during the windstorms you were having. Poor thing happened to be home alone for about an hour and was terrified.

  5. Great answers! Hope you found the time to get your reading in today :)

  6. I wanted to respond to your comment on my blog...I agree that whether a person believes in global warming or climate change or natural cycles, it's smart to take care of the planet. I hate that most of the municipalities around here have done away with recycling because they can't afford to keep it up. Even the garbage companies have stopped because they were losing money.

  7. I live in California where earthquakes reign. I don't think I could handle hurricanes and tornadoes.
