Monday, May 18, 2020

Pandemic Journal - Day 66

Here at home, things have stayed the same, sort of.

On Thursday, my husband took his mother to a doctor's appointment, and then they went to Kroger. She spent nearly two hours in there!

My husband looked like a wild man when he got home.

On Friday, I had a bad episode with my TMJ. My entire face hurt and I couldn't get my jaw to unlock until the evening. This is an ongoing issue that has no resolution. I wear a mouth guard and try to eat soft foods and do all the right things, but sometimes it flares anyway. I'd had a nightmare Thursday night and I suspect that caused the flare up. I must have been doing a lot of teeth grinding. I dreamed about body parts flying all over the place and I was trying to save people but not having a lot of luck.

Sometimes I wonder what is in my head.

Some businesses have reopened. I have not made an appointment for a haircut, nor do I plan to any time soon. I do not have a regular hair dresser so I would not be anyone's priority, and the folks who are going back to work need to get their hair taken care of before I do.

I hope I don't take the scissors to it again. It is about at that point. If I bushwhack it off yet another time, who knows what I'll end up with.

Aside from cutting my own hair, my other Covid mistake was not wearing earrings. Now I am having to wear them constantly to get the holes back. What, am I fifteen? I would have thought 40-year-old holes would not have closed up after a month of no earrings.

The weather was clear for several days but the forecast constantly called for rain, so my husband held off cutting hay. Now it is raining and it is supposed to settle in for about three days.

Tonight my niece graduates from high school in an "online" graduation ceremony. I will be watching. Eventually, these kids are supposed to have a "real" graduation but I'm not sure they need one. They've had parades. They've had house parties. They had an hour of a show dedicated just to them on Saturday night that every major network and most big cable networks aired. They may have missed out on prom but they are being well-pampered.

What else? I have a teledoc appointment coming up in a few weeks with my physician for a check-up. I don't know exactly how she is supposed to do a check-up when she can't do my vitals. I think this is more of a check-in. I have to see her every three months to get one of my prescriptions, so I guess so long as she lays eyes on me, that is all that counts.

My life hasn't changed that much with the stay-at-home orders. I mostly stayed home, anyway. I hadn't realized how introverted I am. But apparently I am greatly introverted and you know what? That's ok.


  1. Now that places are re-opening, I'm in no rush to get out there. In fact, the opposite is true--I am more nervous now. People are getting lax in protecting each other and that scares me.

  2. I agree the seniors have probably had more than enough fuss to make up for the changes, but I do worry about them and all the kids and their mental health. Childhood and the teens are such a social time and I worry some of them are "suffering." My 7-yr-old grandson is among them. School has been closed, the parks are closed, the playgrounds are closed, no swimming pools will open this summer, the libraries aren't open, there are no summer sports leagues, no festivals, parades or fireworks. Last week he was screaming in frustration that "they're taking away all our friends!" I know my son and daughter-in-law do all they can to keep the kids busy, but you know how it is. When you're a kid your parents don't make up for friends.


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