Saturday, December 28, 2019

Saturday 9: Cold as Ice

Saturday 9: Cold as Ice (1977)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here. (Great Foreigner song!)

Our last Saturday 9 of 2019. Thank you for another great year, everyone!

1) Look back on 2019 and share a happy moment.

A. Getting the first proof of the 100-page magazine I wrote for my county's 250th anniversary celebration last year was a very happy moment. I spent six months writing that thing up, editing submissions, filling in holes, begging for photos, and proofreading. It looks pretty good.

2) As 2019 ends, are you making any New Year's resolutions for 2020?

A. Not so far. I need to lose weight, but doesn't everybody?

3) Tell us about an obstacle or challenge you faced in 2019.

A. I'm still in that obstacle phase - my husband's ankle. First the obstacle was him and getting him to go see a doctor, which took months and months of pleading. I even made a video of him walking so he could see how bad he was dragging his foot! Finally he saw the doctor, and then he had his surgery. He's doing very well but we won't know the outcome - will he be able to walk without a lot of pain - for a few more weeks yet. And on the plus side, this is the most time we've spent together in our 36 years of marriage, and I haven't hit him in the head with a frozen leg of lamb yet.

4) Is it "cold as ice" outside where you are today?

A. It is downright balmy here in Virginia, where it should be just barely above freezing this time of year. The poor trees won't know what is going on.

5) Foreigner is this week's featured artist. The band formed in New York City. If you were to travel to New York City, what would you be sure to see?

A. I'd like to see the 9/11 monument, a Broadway play, the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, and I want to go back to Chinatown and eat real honest-to-goodness Chinese food, not the stuff they try to pass off around here as Chinese food. I have been to New York once and I ate real Chinese food there - no comparison to what is served around here!

 6) The band went by the name Trigger. They changed it because their prospective record label was already auditioning a different group named Trigger. They settled on Foreigner because half the members were foreign -- from England. If you received a free, round-trip airline ticket to any foreign country, where would you go?

A. I'd have to go to New Zealand to see where the Lord of the Rings was filmed. However, I'd also like to go to Scotland and Ireland. I wonder if I could have a trip with stop-overs.

7) In 1977, when this song was popular, Star Wars was breaking all box office records. The Spy Who Loved Me, a James Bond movie, was also a 1977 hit. Which film series do you prefer: Star Wars or James Bond?

A. Star Wars. I am not a James Bond fan.

8) In 1977, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak incorporated Apple. Are you answering these 9 questions on an Apple product (PC, laptop, pad or phone)?

A. No. I'm using a Microsoft PC.

9) Random question: What was the last thing you thought of as you dozed off last night?

A. I was thinking about how much trash I needed to have hauled to the landfill (we don't have trash pickup) and how I would handle this in the future should I outlive my husband. My father very helpfully loaded my trash on his truck and hauled it to the dump for me Friday morning, but since I have no children to rely upon, I would probably have to pay someone to go to the landfill for me twice a month. Trying to live in this house without my husband would be very expensive. I'm sure I would have to move.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.


  1. I hope your husband's ankle heals and he is able to walk without pain. It is scary for me to think of life without my husband as well. I do not think that I could afford our home either without him. Thankfully, it will be paid off in two months, but I am sure the taxes would be hard for me.

    1. The other issues are getting things taken care of - the yard mowed (I have asthma, can't do it myself), what happens when the water heater goes out, that sort of thing.

  2. Very impressive, that magazine job. I'd love to see it...I'm sure you did a wonderful job! Your accomplishment of not whacking your husband in the head with a leg of lamb cracked me up. I always tell mine that he's not allowed to retire because we'll probably end up being a story on the front page of the paper (supposing papers still exist by then). Very depressing thoughts at bedtime, but I get it. As we get older and have health issues I find my thoughts rolling that way now and then. It's pretty scary to contemplate! Hope you have a lovely day!

    1. I think this time of life - full of changes, mostly unexpected - tends to be rather difficult for most folks.

  3. #3 -- I learned from watching Alfred Hitchcock that a frozen leg of lamb IS the perfect murder weapon. (Just sayin'.)

    1. I read the story, didn't see the movie, but yes, it is the perfect murder weapon. :-)

    2. Yes! That's one of the few episodes I remember.

  4. That is so exciting about the magazine. I knew you had been working on it, but here it is all finished. Congratulations!
    I hope your husband's ankle gets better.
    I have worried about Karl going before me and what in the world would I do. It is scary. Loved your answers! Have a Happy New Year 2020!

  5. Congratulations on #1 and especially on #3.


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