Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

It's always nice when my husband holds my hand.

Oh, that is a rare bird to be sure.

It's a sure sign of the apocalypse when people deny their own best interests out of stupidity, racism, jealousy, or whatever emotion is ruling them.

Are we having chicken again??!.

My heart is in a million pieces but my husband shelters them all.

Do you believe in magic? I do!

I'm a gypsy living in a cyclone of fury racing through the meadows with my traveling cloak flying behind me.

I was listening to the sounds coming from the stars and the voices I heard told me that the universe is laughing at the earth.

The people go crazy and act like they're possessed when the moon is full.

When we kiss, oooo . . . Fire!

Game of Thrones is the best!

Underneath it all, one finds the absurdity of life and the cold hard truth is that reality is nothing and everything all at once, and what is is not and what will be will not be.

Oh! And thanks for nothing, certain people who are not helping me out when they should be and a few others who have hurt my feelings recently. Here's a gift for you - my middle finger.

And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching TV and finishing a book, tomorrow my plans include watching Game of Thrones and Sunday (which is tomorrow, so what's up with this question?), I want to start a new life! One that won't make me sick. One that won't make me nervous, wondering what to do. One that makes me feel the way I feel when I'm . . . oh geez, I'm channeling Huey Lewis & the News.


I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I totally sang the last part of the last question! Hope you have a great Sunday!

  2. You crack me up! One that makes me feel when I feel when I'm with youuuu. I sang it too. Love it! Enjoy Thrones! I do not watch it, but I think everyone knows it is starting back up tonight from all of the press. How exciting! Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  3. I decided to give Game of Thrones another try. I'd tried 3 times to get into it and decided instead of starting at the beginning, I'd start somewhere in the middle, so tried the first two episodes of Season 4. I turned it off in the middle of the second one. Just one human passion I can't share.

  4. “My heart is in a million pieces”... and quite a “few have hurt me” but I forgive instead of using “ my middle finger” because the “magic” of time has a way of showing that the “ cold hard truth of reality is everything and nothing at all”

  5. Wonderful answers! You really nailed this fill in the blank.


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