Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday 9: Favorite Things

Saturday 9: My Favorite Things (2018)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

(This is a beefed up version of the Julie Andrews tune.)

1) This week's artist, Jennie Abrahamson, is very happy living in Stockholm, but she refers to Paris as "a flirt." She enjoys her time there so much she always wants to return. Is there a place you've visited that tugs at your heart and imagination, tempting you to return?

A. I'm happy where I am. No place I have visited has ever been like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home . . . there's no place like home . . .

2) Jennie has said her music has been heavily influenced by 80s pop, which was popular in her early teen years. Are your favorite songs the ones you listened to when you were growing up?

A. My favorite songs are from the 1970s and early 1980s, with the exception of Melissa Etheridge and Sheryl Crowe, both of whom captured my heart in the 1990s.

3) "My Favorite Things" is from The Sound of Music. Crazy Sam's high school claim to fame was playing Sister Margaretta in the senior class production. Though not a big part, her performance lives on because relatives love embarrassing her with pictures of her in an especially unflattering nun's habit. Who took an embarrassing photo of you? What were you doing?

A. I had an embarrassing photo of me in big hair holding a fish I caught; I'm not sure who took it but it must have been in the late 1980s. I tore the photo up.

4) The lyrics celebrate "brown paper packages tied up in strings." What was in the last box you received in the mail?

A. A copy of my blog. Every four months I go to and have a copy of the last four months made into a softbound book. Right now all of those copies take up about 14" of shelf space. At least if my blog ever dies, I will have my words and photos. Someday someone will buy them in my estate auction, or they will find their way into a recycling bin and the paper will be shredded. Hopefully I won't be around to see either.

5) It mentions doorbells and sleighbells. What's the most recent bell or alarm that you heard?

A. Alexa woke me up this morning at 6:15 a.m.

6) This song has nice things to say about cold weather, specifically snowflakes and mittens. What do you like about winter?

A. When it is snowing, and all is quiet and still, it is as if the Universe has inhaled and is holding its breath.

7) Dog bites and bee stings are singled out as things that can leave us feeling sad. What's most recently given you the blues?

A. My house re-renovations. We had the kitchen floor redone in October, and now it's being torn up again and put back down because the first tile installers were absolutely the worst workers ever. After some back and forth with the flooring company, we finally convinced them to replace the floor. My house is wrecked. The tilers broke the glass on my 32-year-old Jenn-Air oven door, so I can't cook anything, either. I'm feeling a bit stressed.

8) In 2018, when this song was released, Roger Federer won the Australian Open. Are you good with a racket?

A. No ma'am, I am not.

9) Random question -- Your local zoo announced the hatching of three snowy owlets. All males. You won the honor of naming them. Go ahead.

A. Gandalf, Aragorn, and Frodo.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.


  1. I'm going to check out That sounds like a terrific idea!

    My friend Barb loves redecorating. She gets excited choosing new wall coverings and flooring and watching her new room take shape. I am not like Barb. I hate the disruption!

  2. Remodeling is the absolute worst! I think it just might qualify as a small taste of hell here on earth.
    Love the owl names! Everyone's been so creative with them and we're getting a peek into what everyone likes.

  3. Printing out your blog...what a clever idea! I may have to do that!! Have a great weekend!

  4. I am bad about tearing up photos too!
    I have thought about doing the blog 2 print, but I just never have. It is a great idea!
    Have a nice weekend! Loved your answers!

  5. #7 is stressing me out just reading about all the work you're having done in your home. And the catastrophes!

  6. I wish I had known about blog2print back in the day before I deleted my old blog. It's a great idea! I dread the day when we have to finally deal with the floor situation--disrupting 2 humans is bad enough, but the 4 cats and the dog are NOT going to be happy.

  7. I have my blogs printed from Blog2Print yearly. I need to get mine from last year ordered as I do it every January. I get so aggravated because they will not print any photos off the internet and just leave a big blank and it's such an eye sore. But, all the words are there. Have a great rest of the weekend!

  8. Love the answer to #6. I can always tell if it is going to snow because like you said Mother Nature holds her breath. Have a great weekend!!

  9. Hey- you could also upload your blog to Amazon and make some money off of it too.

  10. I am a fan of Melissa Etheridge, Sheryl Crowe, and also K.D. Lang


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