Monday, January 14, 2019

Getting to the Point

The circular route around a topic is frequently the easiest for me. Sometimes I can write around and around and around and maybe at some point I reach the crucial words.

But not always. Sometimes I never find the crucial point.

This is especially true when I am writing about topics that require me to have an absolute unequivocal opinion. Or perhaps I should say things that I should have an opinion on but for whatever reason I pussyfoot around it.

This is particularly true about politics. I spent years not having an opinion about politics because I covered politics, and I wanted to be fair. So I bit my lip and never wrote something like, "Today the supervisors passed the most idiotic legislation I've ever seen."

I felt like writing that many times, I have to say. Over the 30 years I covered government, I saw a lot of stupid pass before my eyes.

Then there is national politics. Because I'm a reporter, still, I try to keep my thoughts to myself on that, but sometimes I just want to scream it out. I want to scream it out straight and get straight to the point.

But I don't. I learned a long time ago not to have an opinion. I learned that even before I was a writer, because when I had opinions, I found trouble.

Or trouble found me. My own opinions could often be used against me.

So best to keep my mouth shut.

But here I am with a blog that's been in existence for 12 years, and anyone who reads it ought to know by now where I stand on certain things. So for once, I'm going to get to the point.

I think #45 is a terrible person. He's a bully, he's loud, he's egotistical, he's arrogant, he's mean, he's a liar, he's a bigot, and he does not deserve to sit in the oval office.

People should not be used as pawns and keeping the government closed is immoral and sinful.

Walls are meant for houses and cover, not for separating nations.

Those are my points for today.


  1. I agree, Virginia. Totally. All the way!

  2. I have NO RESPECT for this president much less the LITTLE MAN that he is. He is a disgrace to the office and an embarrassment to our great country. How’s that for to the point?

  3. I agree. My husband is all about that stupid wall. I told him, if you think illegal Mexicans are what’s wrong with this country, you need to look closer. We have far worse problems than that.


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