Saturday, November 24, 2018

Saturday 9: Black Magic Woman

Saturday 9: Black Magic Woman (1970)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune: Hear it here.

ooo Santana!

1) Black is this week's signature color because Friday, November 23, was "Black Friday," when retailers cut their prices and consumers flock to the stores. Did you score any "Black Friday" bargains?

A. I did some online shopping but I can't say I scored bargains. I thought the offerings and prices were lacking this year over previous ones. Or maybe I wasn't looking at the right things.

2) On busy shopping days,  carts often litter parking lots. After loading your items into your car, are you careful to return your shopping cart to the store or the designated cart receptacle?

A. I always return my cart, even when I have a difficult time doing it. I do not understand why they put handicapped parking close to the store (sometimes) yet there is no place to put the cart near the handicapped parking. If I didn't need the handicapped sticker, I wouldn't have trouble walking all the way across the parking lot to return the darned cart. That is why you frequently see piles of carts in the handicapped area - because parking lot designers are ignorant.

3) Who on your gift list is hardest to buy for?

A. It varies, but frequently it is my mother-in-law. She's 85. Once people pass a certain age it becomes hard to know what to purchase that would be appropriate.

4) Feasting and football are also popular Thanksgiving weekend pastimes. Do your Thursday-Sunday plans include enjoying leftovers or watching a game?

A. We had leftovers Friday night.

5) Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is an annual event. It began in 1924 as a local event in New York. Today it's nationally televised. Did you watch it?

A. No.

6) What did you give thanks for on Thanksgiving 2018?

A. I gave thanks for my supportive husband. He must have the patience of a saint to put up with me.

7) At the first Thanksgiving, there were no forks. Pilgrims ate with spoons and knives, and forks didn't become popular until the 18th century. Think about your Thanksgiving place setting. Did you have both a salad and a dinner fork?

A. I don't recall. I don't think so, though.

8) Pies are a popular Thanksgiving dessert. What kind of pie did you enjoy? Or did you have ice cream? Or did you skip dessert?

A. I had a secret family recipe that I made myself. It is called "Chocolate Lush."

9) This week's featured band, Santana, was named for its founder, Carlos Santana. He was born in Mexico. When at a Mexican restaurant, what do you usually order?

A. Oh dear. Here is the place where I confess that I have never, not once, eaten in a Mexican restaurant. We have them here, I just don't eat there, mostly because of my ulcers. I suppose they offer non-spicy food that I could tolerate but I've never felt comfortable going in to find out.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. (#260)


  1. I actually had time to participate this week. Here is the link to my post.

  2. Chocolate lush???? Sounds delicious!

  3. #9 -- You and me both, Sister! I wasn't able to tolerate Mexican food as a teenager, and my gut hasn't got any tougher with time.

  4. #2 You made a good point,something I never thought about before... Yes they should put a cart receptacle near the handicap parking

  5. I understand about not eating certain foods. When I had my gall bladder I had discomfort and got to where I would only eat bland foods.
    I wouldn't even worry about the cart. I worked at grocery stores when I was younger... it was one of my favorite jobs... the guys always went out and got those carts pretty regularly. I loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!

  6. I agree about gifts for the elderly. So hard to choose something especially when they are usually at the point of trimming down their belongings. Even working at a nursing home hasn't helped me any with that.

  7. I only had to shop for two personal gifts last year, and the two I get for the county angel tree. (I’ve done that every year since I graduated high school.) One of the personal gifts I hand made. I thought it was special because it was supporting the person’s passion for cooking & baking , and was made with thoughtfulness and love... don’t guess it measured up . I saw it was balled into a drawer probably to never be seen again till cleaning out the drawers. I could have have gotten them the same ol’ gifts they get every Christmas but I thought they were special and deserved something special.
    I always thought it was stupid the way they did handicap parking. There is no place either for the moterized chairs if you have to ride those.


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