Thursday, August 30, 2018

Thursday Thirteen

1. I am on day eight of not having a kitchen sink.

2. This is because on August 5 the dishwasher that had been leaking finally gave up the ghost and we realized there was water damage to the cabinets and hardwood floors in the kitchen.

3. The insurance company has been less than stellar, and during the two weeks it took them to get their fingers out of their butts, mold grew on the drywall and cabinets.

4. They took one of the cabinets away to repair it so I would keep my matching cabinets. That would be the cabinet that has the kitchen sink.

5. The things you cannot do without a kitchen sink are legion.

6. We only have tiny little sinks in the bathrooms and a walk-in shower.

8. You can't wash big pots in a tiny little bathroom sink. At least, not without a lot of mess.

9. You also don't really want to wash anything in the bathroom sink. There are reasons these two rooms are separated. Eww.

10. We have been eating a lot of TV dinners and sandwiches on paper plates to keep from having to use dishes.

11. I haven't cooked a real meal in two weeks. I don't miss the cooking but all of these prepared meals are not good for either of us. We both have high blood pressure.

12. I never knew how many times I washed my hands during the day until the kitchen sink was gone. Now I know. A lot!

13. Even if I get the kitchen sink back, I won't have flooring because they tore my hardwood floors up. At the moment it is looking like it might be next year before this is all settled.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 567th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. Oh no. Everything but the kitchen sink! Pots in the bathtub? Remember the Seinfeld episode where Kramer was washing dishes in the shower? Ewww.

  2. That is waaay too long to go without a kitchen sink. I've have jury rigged something on day two.

  3. Is is possible for you to rent or borrow a motor home?
    It's murder to be without a kitchen... and the problem isn't just not having a sink I imagine, it's just so depressing!

  4. What a pain! I know this is stressful and a HUGE inconvenience. I hate this has happened to you and your hubby. I guess the only bright side is that it didn’t happen in winter, when it is harder to work on pipes due to the cold, snow & ice and “ hot cooked” food is more satisfying than sandwiches because of the temperature


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