Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. Do you like pie?

A. I only like certain kinds of pie, and I never eat pie crust unless it is graham cracker crust. I only eat the pie innards (and they are usually chocolate or lemon and never, ever coconut).

2. Italian or Mexican?

A. Neither. Both are hard on my ulcers.

3. Can you bake? If so, what are your favorite things to bake?

A. I can bake in the kitchen, mix the stuff in a pan, throw it in the oven like any girl can, 'cause I'm a WOMAN, W-O-M-A-N. I like to bake brownies and an occasional cake. However, we're both overweight so I don't do it often.

4. Do you use cook books or do you try to find recipes online?

A. Both.

5. Do you own a Kitchen Aid mixer?

A. Yes. My husband bought me one a few years ago when I was making cookies and my hand mixer started smoking.

6. Ever cooked a meal for more than 15 people at one time?

A. No, and I have no desire to do that, either.

7. Do you like hospital food?

A. If the choice is eating hospital food and starving, then yes.

8. Favorite fast food restaurant?

A. I don't eat fast food much. I suppose Wendy's if I must.

9. Any picky eaters in your family?

A. Me. And my husband has had his diet whittled down considerably due to blood pressure and gout.

10. Soda or Tea?

A. Tea.

11. Hot chocolate?

A. Oh yes, please.

12. Favorite holiday dish?

A. Chocolate lush, which is a secret family recipe that was passed down from my grandmother.

13. What is the most tasteful strangest looking thing you have ever tasted?

A. Escargo, I suppose.

14. Fries or tater tots?

A. Neither.

15. Do you like cheese? If so what kind?

A. Yes. I like cheddar and goat cheese.

16. Home made or can soup?

A. Either one but mostly we eat canned soup because I am not a cook.

17. Do you like to eat out?

A. Yes.

18. What kind of food is popular where you are? (Like in Alaska it is seafood.)

A. Apparently pizza. There are 15 pizza places in my county, which has 33,000 or so people in it. That's a pizza place for every 2,200 people (and babies don't eat pizza).

19. Do you like cotton candy?

A. I love cotton candy.

20. Turkey or Chicken?

A. Chicken.

21. Hamburger or tuna helper?

A. Neither.

22. Raw or cooked veggies?

A. Cooked.

23. Do you like salad? If so, what is your favorite kind of salad?

A. The kind with lettuce, goobers, and dressing. (Goobers are what we call anything other than lettuce, like radishes, carrots, bacon bits, etc.)

24. Favorite pizza topping?

A. Cheese.

25. Do you like meat loaf?

A. Depends on the meat loaf and whether or not it has onions in it, but on the whole, yes.


I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. #3 cracked me up! And we have what seems like an extraordinary amount of pizza places here, a lot of the restaurants have pizza on the menu.

  2. I laughed at the amount of pizza restaurants in the county, I never realized! My favorite pizza is pepperoni with extra cheese and like you, I’m not much on the crust.I love a good salad especially when everything is in season! ( not crazy about hot house or hydroponic tomatoes) i ate enough tuna helper as a kid to last a lifetime! And I haven’t had cotton candy in probably 20 years but I used to buy one every time my dad took me to the circus ( the only good memories I have of him) Wow! Then memories this brought back.... have a great Sunday! ;-)

  3. All your answers were fun to read. Oh yes, ulcers and gout will do in a free range diet...
    #3 is funny, as is #7.
    "I am Woman": I used to love to sing that song, too!
    We got a Kitchen Aide when it was almost too late for me to use it, and that's sort of sad, really. I'm glad you got to use yours. I've only used mine about three times thus far, and there it sits....
    Chocolate Lush is something I'd never heard of. It looks interesting in some of the recipes on line.

  4. Hey--we've both had escargot. Whoda thunk.
    I have always wished I liked goat cheese, but I just don't.
    As for pies, I'd rather eat the crust than the innards! I love pie crust.

  5. Thanks for checking in on my blog today! It's good to find you again!! I've got you in my Feedly Reader now. I enjoyed your answers and agree on escargot... I said calamari, which I do like. Can't stand escargot! LOL

  6. Love your answers I forgot I did try escargot one time lets just say disgusting wasnt even close I loe calamari!


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