Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen websites I visited in a single day:

1. Weight Watchers. I'm an online member and since mid-June I have lost 22 pounds.

2. Mayo Clinic. I have a health problem.

3. I have an Aol email address that I've had for 20 years.

4. New York Times. Gotta have my news.

5. WDBJ 7 (local CBS affiliate). Gotta have the local news, too.

6. The Roanoke Times (local newspaper).

7. Medline Plus (which had a big red banner on it saying it might not be up-to-date because of the government shut down)

8. WebMD. More on that health problem.

9. Huffington Post. Keeping current, dontcha know.

10. Bing (I stopped using google as a search engine some time ago, all I get are ads and irrelevant phony sites)

11. Lots of blogs, including Diane Cayton Hakey, Word Trix, Looseleaf Notes, Around Roanoke, Peevish Pen, MsElaneous Rants, Shenandoah Gateway Farm, Sunnybrook Farm, and others. While I often comment, there are days when I just read and don't say much.  

12. Business Insider. I am not sure why, I was probably reading something about the government shut down.

13. Wikipedia. Because there is always more stuff to know.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here. I've been playing for a while and this is my 314th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.


  1. i enjoyed seeing what sites you visit, and neat to be mentioned! i visit wikipedia quite a bit too!

  2. How expensive is online I've tried everything

  3. A few of those are also sites I visit daily, and many times I don't comment either simply due to not enough time I guess... xox

  4. Ahhh... Wikipedia. Also known as "Going down the rabbit hole." I can get lost in that site for HOURS.

  5. Great list. I prefer to read my news online. I can avoid all the depressing articles and focus on the more positive. Be sure to visit my TT today and enter 2 contests.

  6. Always interesting to see what sites people visit online -- thanks for the mention and the idea. : D My T13

  7. Come to think of it, my aol email address is nearly that old. I got it about the time my son was born.

  8. Good job on the weight loss. That's hard work, especially when you aren't feeling well and want to treat yourself. And thanks for stopping by. Glad to have you!

  9. I'm sure I link to 13 or more site a day too. I don't like Bing. They infiltrated my blog somehow as my browser and now I don't know how to get rid of it!

  10. Way to go on the weight loss! You're doing great! I've been trying to lose some weight too, and I'm about to catch up with you. Right now I'm at 20 pounds gone. *smile* Keep it up! Oh, and I love Huffington Post and Wiki too. :)

  11. Congrats on the successful weight loss, Anita. I tried WW years ago and it worked, but we have been sticking to the South Beach plan lately as we had all the books already.

  12. I frequent Huffington Post. Wikipedia is discouraged as source of info in academia, but outside that world, I just find the site fun, easy and convenient. I think it's up to you to analyze what they claim.

  13. I visit the NZ counterparts, I think :)


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