Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Catching the Sun

I took these photos on October 24 at 6:40 a.m., with my Nikon Coolpix P500 just as the sun was coming up and sending shafts of light through a break in the clouds. The light was exquisite and one reason why I love this time of the year. I went outside in my PJs and slippers to catch these shots.


  1. What outstanding pictures those are. Hey, I am not gonna complain about your pjs and slippers.... I would have done the same thing had I had the opportunity to catch something like that.

  2. Spectacular! An October sunrise at its finest!

  3. I love the way the sunrise slides across the trees. Hope you got good news.

  4. Fantastic light in these photos.

  5. Beautiful series of photos, Anita -- definitely worth going out in your pajamas (and at least you don't have to worry about 50 neighbors seeing you!).

  6. I think low humidity gives us better shots this time of year. It makes the sky bluer. Nice shots!

  7. Nice shots. Love the trees surrounding your MIL's house.



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