Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Call me Scrooge

For over 20 years I have awakened to the sounds of a certain radio station. At 6 a.m. they give a rundown of local news and generally they play Adult Contemporary music. It is a music mix that I enjoy. My alarm goes of just a moment or two before 6 a.m., so I usually hear a song before the news comes on. I like having time to hit the "off" button if I don't feel like listening to the woes first thing.

On Monday, the song that greeted me was a holiday tune. I knew immediately that the station had switched to its Christmas music mix - and it was only November 16. I grabbed my glasses and fumbled with the clock radio dial until I found NPR.

And there it will stay.

I have had it with this station. I love Christmas carols as much as the next person but not before Thanksgiving. That's just too soon. It's bad enough in the stores; I don't need it piped into my house, and I will not tolerate it.

How can a holiday be special if you celebrate it with so much crass commercialism? It's not like they're just playing O Holy Night the entire time, no. They are playing the whole mess, from Grandma Got Runned Over By a Reindeer to Holly Jolly Christmas. Christmas is about the birth of Christ, and the rest of it is just marketing.

But this is not the only reason I will no longer listen to this station. Their contests verge on mean sometimes. Their music has been steadily moving in a direction I don't care for. One of their morning DJs in particular has become so militant I can hardly stand to listen to him some days. So after 20 years, I am telling this radio station "good-bye" and I am moving on to something else.

While I like NPR, I don't particularly like waking up to it. It is nothing but news at that hour and I need a little while to get myself together before being bombarded with the latest crime wave or economic disaster or war or pandemic. So I am thinking now what I need is a whole new wake-up method. Maybe some kind of player for my IPod so I can wake up to something I actually want to hear.

Or maybe I'll just put my clock radio on the buzzer, and let that be my morning song.


  1. We have a local station that switched to Christmas music over the weekend. Way too early for me!

  2. You could always jump out of bed and just belt out a tune yourself? LOL Just kidding!!!


  3. Christmas trees were for sale at the Rocky Mount Kroger this morning.

  4. I love Christmas and I love Christmas music but it's too early. Kelly has been fighting me about the radio stations. A few of them are playing non-stop Christmas music. It ruins it. I'll be sick of it by December 15 when we should be LONGING for that special night.

  5. Look, I look Christmas music too, but please let's wait until after Thanksgiving! I saw someone putting up their Christmas decorations last weekend...too early man! Yeah, the weather was nice, but man up and put it up in the cold if you have to! All these !!!!! that I rarely use ;)

  6. Ummm, I meant to say, like, not look!!!! This is what happens when one doesn't sleep...

  7. Ha! My daughter came running down today exclaiming, "They're playing Christmas music!!"
    She was happy, I was NOT. Bah, humbug : )

  8. Yesterday in town I snapped an imaginary picture of the town decoration of a lit up snowflake against the backdrop of a tree in full fall foliage. My mind captioned it "What is wrong with this picture?"


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