Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

The 13 things I want to do before I am 50:

1. Hike to McAfee's Knob. This isn't as easy as it sounds; I am out of shape in spite of my hour-long exercise in the morning. Plus I have a problem with my balance and can get motion sickness when I am in high places, like atop mountains. And mountains make my ears hurt. Another problem is I don't have anyone to walk with me and I will not go alone.

2. Take a two or three week vacation and drive to California and back. I did this with my parents when I was 12. My husband has never seen the Grand Canyon and I would like for us to make this trip one day.

3. Visit Canada. Just because I've never been. That requires a passport now, doesn't it?

4. Write (and hopefully publish) a novel. This means applying bottom to seat and getting to work.

5. Write (and hopefully publish) a nonfiction book. See #4.

6. Self-publish a book of poetry. I have poems and could probably do this now, except I am afraid to.

7. Create a photo book about my county.

8. Learn how to eat properly.

9. Lose weight and be the healthiest I've ever been. I'd like to do that *this* year.

10. Build an addition on to the house. We could use just one more room. Maybe a nice sun room where I could put the treadmill and the exercise bike and get them out of the living room.

11. Buy a hybrid car. This one may have to wait longer but I think it will depend on what happens with the gas prices and if the government ever smartens up and offers financial incentives for people to really "go green." Right now I can't afford a new car. I suppose if I write and sell those books...

12. Move my office from home to ... someplace else. Working from home is not a bad thing, and I don't want to work for someone else, but I think an office away from home has the potential to make me more productive in some ways. Plus I wouldn't have a refrigerator there. Or washing machines. Or any of the other million things that can distract me while I work from home. Of course, I have to be making enough money to warrant paying rent someplace.

13. Write my 2,000th blog entry. Which may or may not be a Thursday Thirteen.

1 comment:

  1. Trips to Canada and Mexico now require passports. One of my goals for this year or next year is get my passport renewed and get passports for my children as we have relatives in Canada we would like to visit. Happy TT.


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