Friday, January 11, 2008

For the Birds

Thursday as the rains moved in, my house was suddenly inundated with birds. They were everywhere.

Robins bathed in a puddle and listened for worms in the front yard.

These yellow bellied birds with heads like Blue Jays (there were Blue Jays, too, only they did not pose for a photo) joined the robins for a bath. I don't know what these birds are; I couldn't find them in my Audubon guide.

The trees came to life with starlings; their raucous noise filled the air as they twittered and preened.

Their ranks filled the field across the driveway.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure whether to say, "How cute, an early sign of Spring", or "Gaaaahhhhh! Birds!"

    Something about a huge flock of birds makes my neck hair tingle.

    Have you ever seen them all gather by the thousands just before migration? They fill up the tall trees, and then there's a sudden silence just before they all take off? For some reason, that gives me an irrational sensation that they are all about to FLY RIGHT AT ME!

    Hitchcock nailed it. I wish I had never seen that movie.


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