Monday, December 03, 2007

It's a Parade!

Saturday at 2 p.m. the Fincastle Christmas Parade marched through the streets!

The police led the way while deputies stood to the side making sure traffic stopped.

There were clowns!

Churches had floats in remembrance of the real reason for the season.

There was lots of waving!

The real reason I was at the parade. The above beauty queen is my niece. She is five years old and quite the ham when she spies a camera. That's my brother at the wheel and my sister-in-law beside her.

The Girl Scouts strut their stuff.

The Fire Department mascot marched alongside the trucks.

Bands played! "Bells are ringing children singing O What a beautiful sight" - Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

Tractors putted down Main Street.

The fellow who brought up the rear!


  1. I love a small town parade. Somehow, they make me feel hopeful and happy. Great pictures!

    (Just to let you know, the reason I don't sign with "Beth" is that Blogger seems to have changed the comment format, and I have to comment under my Google account. Sorry!)

  2. Santa looks like Sesame Street's Oscar in disguise. I think the walking dalmatian is the coolest. I missed our parade this year, but I'm still hoping to run into Santa.


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