Friday, November 16, 2007

Weather Changes

Yesterday it went from this:

to this:

all in a matter of hours!

The temperature dropped, too, of course, since we had snow showers.

This past weeks seems to have been the peak for fall colors, finally. It's the latest I think I've ever seen it. The oak trees on the farm, as you can see, are just now turning.

Unfortunately we still need rain very badly.

Also, the governor last night released the state wide burn ban. It remains in effect in my county, though, as far as I know. Be sure to check your local laws and use common sense if you burn outside. The ground is still really dry.


  1. We had the same crazy weather down here in the North Carolina Mountains yesterday. Unfortunately, we also have the same drought. :(

  2. I was out sunbathing one day and wearing gloves the next!

  3. I feel like I'm riding on a roller coaster :-o Do you guys really have to bundle up with all these layers, scarves, gloves, and hats all through the winter???

  4. Wouldn't snow melt and then benefit the area as rain would? Forgive me if that sounds stupid, I have never had to live around snow for long so am not sure how that works.

  5. Kitty - if the snow had amounted to anything it would have been great. Better actually than rain, because it adds nitrogen to the soil. Unfortunately all we received were snow showers, which is about like a little drizzle of rain. It was pretty to watch as it fell, though.


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