Friday, October 12, 2007

Post Op Report

The stitches on my lip came out today. That was a rather painful, even with a topical numbing agent, but fortunately all over and done.

I have what looks like a little crater missing from my lip, but the doctor assures me it will fill in and in a few months I'll never even know what happened.

He treated this as a mucocele, which is a damaged salivia gland, because that is what he thought it was. But the biopsy came back as a fibroma, which he described as a collection of scar tissue.

This makes me suspect that the digging into my lip to remove the salivia gland was unnecessary and that really all that needed to be removed was the lumpy thing.

In any event, it's over with, and I suspect aside from a little discomfort today from the pulling of the stitches all is well.

Now I just have to wait for the bills to come in and see what the insurance did and didn't pay.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of when the podiatrist wanted to remove my sesmoid bones. When I asked him if they were what was causing the pain, he said he wasn't sure. "Thanks, no" I replied and found another doctor. I do feel confident that your lip will repair itself in time. The body is pretty amazing. Just keep visualizing it healing up.


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